Easy Flower Headband Tutorial
I am thrilled to introduce to you Libby of Libby’s Library, who has shared her secret to creating an easy flower headband!
As the mother of 5 grown daughters and the grand mother of bunch of little girls, I know first hand, just how much pretty hair accessories can cost. I decided to try making my own, and it’s so easy, it’s almost embarrassing to show you!
Supplies Needed to make an easy flower headband:
Everything can easily be found at hobby supply stores or large discount stores. I watch for sales and buy when items are 1/2 price. I store my flowers in a couple of different ways – on the stem and in containers. I use Chinese take out containers – I’m all about saving money wherever I can!
Here is my favorite glue gun – for these kinds of projects – The SureBonders. It has a nice pointed nozzle tip.
How to make an easy flower headband:
Simply take your stamens and cut in half. Tread a bead onto each one and secure with a tiny bit of hot glue.
Then place a complete stamen into each individual flower petal. Secure with another small bit of hot glue on the underside of each one. So sorry for the somewhat blurry photos. I need to set up my tripod for my DSLR, so I’m having to use my phone.
Then simply add the completed flowers to your headband – Easy Peasy!
Once you’ve use all your flowers, you completed head band will look like this.
I used Begonias for this headband, but you can use just about any kind of flower you like. I’ve also made headbands using just beads or flat back pears and, or course, feather pads. Use exactly the same method. Here are a few examples.
I hope you loved this super easy flower headband tutorial!
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About Libby:
Libby: Libby is the owner of Libby’s Library and Do Not Pet.ย She is the Mom of 10 grown children. “Nonnie” to 23 growing grand children. Animal loving, camera toting, contest entering, overweight (or under tall?), disabled SURVIVOR!