These are some of the cutest recycled crafts I've seen - check out this awesome, amazing list!

12 Adorable Recycled Crafts

Today I’m over at HEN Family with 12 ADORABLE recycled crafts to share!


These are some of the cutest recycled crafts I've seen - check out this awesome, amazing list!



One of my favorite ways to take care of the environment is to upcycle instead of (or before) recycling. These 12 adorable recycled crafts are all perfect for that!

While trying to live frugally, and to craft at the same time, I discovered the wonders of upcycling โ€œjunkโ€. I dug into my recycling bin, and discovered a whole new host of craft supplies.

Today, I have a huge box in my craft room where I stash jars, containers, corks, and more items that Iโ€™m sure will make the perfect craft. You can call me a hoarder if youโ€™d like, but so far I have a great track record with actually using them! And of COURSE the box that theyโ€™re stored in is upcycled too!

Click hereย ย for some of my favorite trash-to-treasure crafts.

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