I am a mom on a mission: to boost, motivate, and encourage fellow moms.

Take the time to create.

Take the time to do those nails.

Treat yourself right, you’ll be a happier mom with happier kids.

But most of all forgive yourself! You’re human! You are doing a great job!

Here’s a little glimpse of what you can expect to find on Moms & Crafters:

Follow along with me on Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram for fun craft videos and ideas!

Read more about me and my family here.

A few more things you should know about Moms & Crafters: 

  • I am a stay at home mom trying to support my family. Therefore I do accept various forms of paid advertising. If a post or link is paid, you will always be told. You can read my full disclosure policy here.
  • I aim to create sponsored posts that are interesting and informative. I will create a craft based on a brand’s product, offer some tips, or similar. You will find that even my sponsored content is interesting, relevant, and worth a read!
  •  All photos and articles belong to Moms & Crafters unless otherwise specified. You may use a single image in a roundup post, as long as you do not post any instructions, and you feature a clear link back to my site (the word “source” in tiny letters doesn’t count).  If you want to use it in a collage image for the same post, you may do so as well. Please do not use photos that feature any people in it. You may not use the image in any other way, or without a link. Please understand that lots of time, energy and effort goes into each post. If you’d like to repost an excerpt, please contact me. I am open to discussing it.
  • Guest posts: Moms & Crafters is open to guest posts, specifically for those with a blog of their own. I am primarily looking for original crafts. I may be willing to repost an excerpt of your post, so feel free to reach out! Unfortunately, I can’t pay at this time (or I would), however I would be glad to share a relevant post of yours (or a few)! I would also allow you to link back to your own posts a couple of times within the guest post to give you quality link backs. I do not accept guest posts with paid link insertions from SEO agents.
  • If you would like to sponsor me see my advertising options here!


Most popular posts on Moms & Crafters: 

Here are some of my most loved posts of all time: