Best Baby Sprinkle Gift Ideas for Second Baby & Beyond
These baby sprinkle gift ideas are perfect for a second baby or beyond! When you’re done, check out my favorite luxury baby gear and products as well! This post contains affiliate links.

If you’re having a second baby – or third, fourth, fifth, etc – you may be wondering what some good baby Sprinkle gift ideas are to register for. Or, maybe you’re attending a baby sprinkle where there’s no registry. Even if there’s a virtual sprinkle or none at all, these are some fabulous baby sprinkle gift ideas to give to already-parents who are having babies that aren’t their first.
I am a mother of four, and have already gone through this “second time parent” experience three times. Now that I just had my fourth, I figured I’d share my three-times experience as to what might make good baby sprinkle gift ideas.
Every single product in this list has been tried and tested by me and my family. Some were received free from the company for review and inclusion in this guide, however, they were vetted in advance. Some were purchased by me or received as gifts.
A baby sprinkle refers to a “mini shower” that many parents make for babies beyond their first. It’s a smaller celebration with more specific gifting needs, often more practical and less gimmicky.
Meet the Main Tester
First, let’s meet the main product tester and newest family member: Baby Jay. He’s a rainbow baby, born July 2023, a year after an ectopic. He’s the fourth baby, after two boys and a girl. We think he may be a little “gingy” (redhead) but he’ll need to grow a tad more hair before we know.
His pregnancy brought with it late onset gestational diabetes and he was induced at 38 weeks and 5 days due to gestational hypertension. He was born at 12:02 AM at 7 lbs. 13 oz and was the longest I ever carried a baby…

What makes a good baby sprinkle gift idea?
There are a few main “features” of second baby gift ideas, but a lot depends on the age and stage of older siblings. For example, the last time I needed a double stroller was six years ago, so even though I’m expecting a fourth child, transport is one of my biggest items on the list. In addition, M’s car seat was just about expiring when A was using it, so now I need that too.
Sometimes people take for granted that a fourth-time mother won’t need these items.

In addition, since I have two boys, people figure I have clothing – while in fact, I’m starting from scratch! My previous was a girl, we moved twice since the last boy was born, and fashions come and go, so I figured I’d rather spread the love and have someone else use Y’s old clothing.
For this reason, even if you’re having your second, third, or fourth baby I recommend creating a registry. My favorite one is Amazon, but I also love Babylist, where you can add items from any website.
I like Amazon because their free sample box is VERY helpful (Babylist charges shipping for theirs), it’s the default place people look for registries, and because it’s easy for people to shop at and familiar. Their completion discount also has a cap on the dollar amount, not the amount of times you use it, which works better for me.
This list of baby sprinkle gift ideas are great options for adding to your own registry. But if you’re buying for someone else and they don’t have one, these are great ideas to bring to a baby sprinkle or to buy for a second baby (or any little sibling).
Favorite baby sprinkle gift ideas often fit into the following categories:
- Consumables – such as baby bottles (which don’t store well), diapers, wipes, formula, car seats which expire…
- Clothing and other wearable items – which varies across genders and seasons, fashions change, get stained in storage, etc
- “Good to haves” – there are many things that a first time mom won’t prioritize but can be really convenient, and make things easier, especially as she parents multiples.
- Big sibling gifts – this can include “big kid upgrades” such as a toddler bed but can also feature highly entertaining independent-play toys
- And of course, there’s “multiples” gear as well as toddler items that a parent might need while out and about with two.

Gear for Two – Second Baby Gifts
If your babies are close enough in age, you can likely reuse your infant seat – as long as it hasn’t expired But you’ll probably need another convertible car seat for when baby outgrows this one – and the big sibling is still using theirs.
You’ll also want a solution if you still have a toddler – whether it’s a double stroller, a single with a removable second seat, or a buggy board. Beyond that, here are a few super cool and convenient baby-gear-for-two items that will be total sanity savers for you, and will be exciting for you to own!
Gladly Family Anthem2 Stroller Wagon
Wagons were cumbersome when Y was born – the last time I had a baby and a toddler. Today, stroller wagons have completely transformed that scene. The Anthem2 rolls almost effortlessly on most terrains including grass and gravel (and with some more effort where strollers won’t go at all, like sand), and holds two kids up to 50 lb each. That means we’ll got lots of use out of it.
A stroller wagon can be pushed OR pulled, making all the difference. They are designed to properly replace strollers and are the perfect choice for those of us who feel like we won’t be needing a double stroller for more than a little bit.

A walks most places she goes so we only need transportation for her for longer, bigger trips. The Anthem2 will carry her for longer than a stroller, and incentivizes her to get in – because it’s more exciting.

While Baby Jay isn’t ready for the seat yet, with a car seat adapter, we can use the Anthem2 for him as well. If your kids are closer together in age, you can opt for the Anthem4, which seats four. I don’t recommend getting more than you need – as it’ll add bulk.

While not exactly a compact solution, the Anthem2 stroller wagon helps us get out more and helps me get past the overwhelm of getting out with more kids. One of my favorite features is the parent cup holder and storage bin (why do strollers NOT come with those? It’s a must!)
The all terrain wheels, combined with the storage basket (which is removable) make it perfect for beach trips. It has a double canopy, double snack tray, and even comes with a nap mat insert!

2 Camera Baby Monitor
When A was born, I was gifted a baby monitor. Soon after Baby Jay was born, I realized that I’d like to keep an eye on him as well. A double camera baby monitor is a life saver, especially if you have two babies.
Even if your oldest is a bit older, being able to check up on baby is a game changer, when older siblings are around and you can’t have baby sleep where you can physically watch.

RAPTbaby Sound Machine
One piece of baby gear that I was always unsure about was a sound machine. With big siblings home and making lots of noise soon after Baby Jay was born, it became a necessity.
I always thought I can just play white noise on my phone but quickly realized that I kind of want my phone available for ME throughout the day. The RAPTbaby sound machine specifically plays neuroscientist-created tracks that support the baby’s brain development and language recognition.

It’s a compact, easy to learn to use, rechargeable device with a long battery life (I don’t even know how long – it never died on me before I decided to plug it in for a bit). It helped my toddler nap while the kids were at home, and it helped my baby sleep. It features a sleep timer (auto shut off) which I actually don’t use. It’s got 8 tracks, including heartbeat – my favorite – and musical ones as well.

If you have a toddler, I actually recommend getting two – one for baby and one for toddler! But even if you’re sticking with one, you’ll find that it’s compact enough to just move around. And I love that the lights shut off and don’t glow – they only glow as you’re setting it!
Clothing and Wearable Baby Sprinkle Gift Ideas
Wearables often go out of style between babies. They also sometimes get stained in storage. So even if your baby is the same gender as the previous, you’ll likely need clothing – or any other wearables you used. If it’s a different gender, you’ll probably need most of a wardrobe.
Besides for that, there are some “wearables” that you might not have gotten quite right the first time around. There are new innovations, better brands, or things you’ve learned about what you like to use. Here are a few of my favorite wearables that I needed for baby number four.
Kyte Baby’s Heavenly Soft Sleep Bags
I always prioritized swaddles in the registry, but the truth is, my kids use sleep bags for much longer. To help babies sleep safely, they can’t use blankets for the first bit. But babies love that soft thing on their face and to feel like they’re covered. Think about how uncomfortable YOU are without a blanket.
Sleep bags are the perfect solution. As a wearable, they don’t run the risk of going over baby’s face. Kyte Baby’s soft bamboo sleep bags are so heavenly soft, they also give baby that cozy thing on his face, as you can see in my photos. But of course, it’s without the danger.

It’s so cozy, I tend to leave him without pants in there!
I use these for naptime in the first few months, when I save the swaddle for nighttime to help establish a night time routine. Then, once baby is too big for the swaddle, we go full time with the Kyte Baby sleep sack. The zipper is covered at the top, and goes around to support diaper changes.

Booties and Mittens that Stay On

Goumi booties and mitts have always been my favorite – because they stay on! Even if it’s a bit pricey, I find that it costs me less overall. It replaces socks and other mitts with much less quantity, because it doesn’t get lost, doesn’t fall off. Just get a few pairs in basic colors, not dozens like you’ll need with socks.

I’ve purchased these discounted directly from Goumi’s sale page, from Kidizen, and from Amazon.
Consumable Baby Sprinkle Gift Ideas
One of the top things to gift that I register for is consumables. All those things that “use up” cost a fortune and are DEFINITELY needed new for babies. While you might try to save a new parent money on a new high ticket item – like a stroller – they probably spend a lot more on something as innocuous as diapers and wipes.
Here are some favorites in the “consumable” category – beyond diapers and wipes. Some of these are more individual than others, and I’ve called that out when necessary. When gifting consumables, you can make it more “giftable” by choosing a better brand, a slightly more innovative version, or something unique.
Kendamil Infant Formula

When formulas were recalled and there were shortages, there was a serious need for more competition in the US market. Enter Kendamil – a Kosher and affordable solution.
It’s an award winning formula that’s made in Europe and imported to the United States, giving it an established track record of safety and quality.

I personally will always make sure to have baby formula on hand before baby is born, even when I plan to breastfeed as much as I can. Every single one of my babies needed supplementation for different reasons, and the last thing I want with a new baby is to start scrambling. I also believe in giving it regularly so that my baby isn’t totally dependant on my milk.
Kendamil is a fabulous great-tasting option that wasn’t available locally with my older ones, and I’m so happy we have it as an option now. I recommend Kendamil as a personal registry item, or to purchase for someone you know well.
Nanobรฉbรฉ Flexy Silicone Baby Bottles

We refresh bottles with every baby, as they don’t store well and get icky after lots of use. Nanobรฉbรฉ makes our favorite bottles for a baby that’s used to being breastfed but is given bottles while out and about.

The very slow flow encourages baby to work it, which helps him eat at a pace that’s more in line with breastfeeding. It’s got an easy to clean wide mouth, and we love the natural feel of silicone.
Pacifiers (& Clips)

For each baby, we try as many pacifiers as we can, and until recently, we loved the soothie-style straight round ones best.
For Baby Jay we discovered the cherry shape. It’s very similar to the straight one, but with a rounded tip. We observed that he had an easier time keeping it in his mouth – that it only came out when he spat it out intentionally, rather than sliding accidentally.
We also tested a few pacifier clips with him. Not all silicone is made equal, and we love this one from Itzy Ritzy. It’s one piece (so no beads will come loose and become a choking hazard) and it’s very flexible (and not stiff like others we tried.) Stiff clips pop the pacifier out of baby’s mouth, causing endless frustration.
We ALWAYS supervise pacifier clips, and don’t use them for sleep.
Bath Time & More from Earth Baby
When it comes to baby toiletries, we always need more for the next one!

Earth Baby creates organic, non-toxic, hypo-allergenic baby products in heavenly scents that I just LOVE using. While new body wash, lotion, and diaper cream are obvious solutions, getting more luxurious ones makes it enjoyable for parents too.

And I LOVE their hand sanitizer carabiner and Germ Busing Surface Mist. With big siblings around – especially a germy toddler, these become essential. I spent the first few weeks of his life playing whack-a-mole keeping sick big siblings away from him, and sanitizing between caring for sick kids and baby helped him NOT catch what they had.

Shea Butter Burp Cloths from KeaBabies
Burp cloths tend to get icky in storage – and not all are created alike! KeaBabies organic cotton burp cloths are buttery soft, super absorbant, and the perfect size for versatile use.

They came in a giftable package and the cute colors adds to the giftability.
I’ve been using them alongside a different brand’s muslin cloths, and find these to be more absorbant and larger, catching more of Baby Jay’s spit ups. I’ve been finding that I grab these first because they simply work better!

Mommy’s Bliss Newborn Essentials for Wellness & Comfort
Mommy’s Bliss makes safe and reliable solutions for baby’s health.
Some things make all the difference to be equipped with when you need them – that is, things like saline to release congestion. Remember the whack-a-mole I was playing with sick kids that I mentioned above? The one thing that Baby Jay did catch of all the things that his siblings brought home was the mild cold. While he fought it off fabulously, it did interfere with breastfeeding and being pre-equipped with Mommy’s Bliss saline drops really helped.

And we all know the grief of those early days of gas. Gripe water is a natural solution for relief, and can be a game changer with sleep habits.
This Mommy’s Bliss gift set includes the above, plus gas drops and Vitamin D (something we use because sunscreen isn’t recommended until six months, so we’re keeping baby out of the sun. ) The boxed set makes it a practical gift for every baby.

Little Unicorn Security Blankets
One thing that DEFINITELY doesn’t get passed down is security blankets. Little Unicorn makes them in three packs – so that you can hide two and give baby one! That way, you can sneak them in the wash, and if you lose one, all hope is not lost.

The muslin is framed with soft satin, giving a multi-sensory experience. I love the tan gingham print on this one. (Of course, don’t let babies under one sleep with anything soft and loose, including these).

Better Toys for their Milestones
Now that you have more experience, you’ll have a better grasp on milestones. With my first, I just went for whatever “glitters” – the bright, colorful, cutesy (and honestly noisy) stuff. Now, I’m more milestone and developmentally-appropriate minded with my choices.
For that reason, I did register for some more toys for baby number four. I also knew I’d need to account for the big siblings “stealing” baby’s toys, which means I just need a few more options to grab for tummy time. Plus, so many new things have come out since my first was born.
I do recommend thinking beyond the first year to the toddler stage. They get so much more play at that stage (and baby toys are cheaper for the parents to buy themselves anyway).
Panda Crate
We’re long-time fans of KiwiCo for their development boosting toys and activity crates, but did you know they also have a baby version? Panda Crate is a toy subscription for ages 0-36 months that arrives every other month. I can tell you after having tested a few of their boxes that these are some of our most played with toys!
They are expert-designed to help kids meet milestones and discover the world around them through play.

This sample 13-18 month crate features a fine motor peg toy and a ball drop toy that A has spent hours engaged with. It’s also got a peeking panda pull toy that we’ll test with Baby Jay when he comes of age.

The play guide features loads of additional ideas for parents to support age-appropriate play. You can gift as long a subscription as you’d like for a gift that keeps on giving.

Bababoo Pounding Block
I loved the idea of a toy that A can still play with but will transfer down to Baby Jay. This type of toy stage is perfect for babies with toddler siblings, as they don’t REALLY play much at first, and this way you don’t need to store it meanwhile.

The Bababoo and Friends Pounding Block is unlike others. On this one, your kid will actually pound the ball into a box – and then go and find it! It’s a high end wooden toy that’s designed to last from sibling to sibling. And there are other things to discover and play on it as well!

Big Sibling Gifts
I have a dedicated list of big sibling gift ideas, but I wanted to share a few favorites here too. When you’re buying baby sprinkle gifts, do think of how the brothers and sisters might feel, seeing so many gifts being showered (or sprinkled) on this future sibling! Why not spoil them a bit too? I added an item or two for each child to my baby registry each time.
As a parent, beyond t-shirts, which we made for each kid, I also gave them each a meaningful gift from the baby in the hospital. The kids know, of course, that it’s really from us parents, but it creates a positive association with the baby coming – it makes it a time of gifts.
This time around we gifted as follows.
Baby doll and Accessories for the toddler
Let’s start with the obvious: a baby doll and accessories!
Not only is it a good way to have toddler come home with their own baby from hospital to warm up to the idea, but it’s also good role play. I went for a walk with Baby Jay in her old stroller, and she was appeased by the idea of having her baby in her stroller.

She walked with such a swagger!
Target’s Perfectly Cute brand is so affordable and of decent quality! We got a blonde boy doll to match Baby Jay (the blonde was just an assumption based on our track record with boys…) and we added some more accessories to our registry.
My in-laws bough the play yard and diaper bag set which she loves as well.

Big Sibling Journals for older siblings

I was trying to think of something that I can get for the boys – ages seven and almost ten – and I decided that a journal with journaling supplies would be cool. They are finally old enough to understand and really be part of this journey, and this can help them record those memories.
I couldn’t find what I wanted so I designed it on my own! You can purchase it here.
This journal has in it places to record baby’s name and practice it until it feels natural, to add photos, to draw pictures, to write letters, and to record moments with specific prompts.

I gifted it with washi tape for taping in photos, gel pens, and spare paper for their PrintCam cameras. (If your kid doesn’t have that yet, it’s a great gift to bundle with this!)

Baby Sprinkle Gift Ideas for Mom
One thing that became clearer and clearer as I had more children is that mom can sometimes use a little care too. Many people think of gifts for mom as postpartum care and such, but for me, it’s about helping mother emotionally and physically in the days beyond those first few.
There Are Moms Way Worse Than You
We all have those moments when we can’t help but think… I’m an AWFUL mother. Having a bit of a laugh to get you through those moments is arguably one of the best gifts….

“There are Moms Way Worse Than You” explores the different terrible ways moms treat their young, a great starting point for feel-good comparisons, and offers words of encouragement for you. It’s got a bit of adult language, so just hide it from the kids if that bothers you.
And yes, it does call out dads as well – making it fabulous as a “together” read. What a relatable gift!

Leak Proof Water Bottle
Breastfeeding moms need to keep that water intake up – and even those that aren’t need to as they recover from baby. Beyond that, kids make mom busy and she can forget to keep up with everyday hydration.
For me, the perfect baby gift is a great water bottle. That means a good capacity, the ability to keep drinks ice cold, and a self-sealing lid.
I have my Contigo autoseal water bottles since A was born, and they are fabulous. With ice, my drinks will stay ice cold through the night. It won’t leak as a drop them on the couch (oops) while breastfeeding – even if I forget to close it thanks to the autoseal lid. After a few times, you don’t even notice that you need to push a button as you drink.
Got any baby sprinkle gift ideas to add to the list? Comment below!