Click to see these 10 inexpensive baby gift ideas - that will make both you and the new mother happy! A mom to mom gift guide. Great for holiday gifts too!

Beyond Clothing – 10 Inexpensive Baby Gift Ideas

Finding the perfect baby gift is easier said than done. Sometimes it can feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Buy clothing, she might not like it (plus, that’s boring.) Buy something expensive, and you definitely won’t like it. These ten inexpensive baby gift ideas will make both you and the new mom happy. You can even bundle some of these together to make an amazing gift package that the new mom will love


 Click to see these 10 inexpensive baby gift ideas - that will make both you and the new mother happy!  A mom to mom gift guide. Great for holiday gifts too!


These inexpensive baby gift ideas are all things that I myself had and loved when M was little. Some were gifted to me and some I bought, These are some top picks that the new mom in your life will love, but won’t break the bank!

I’ve seen many baby gear guides, but few of them touch on the unique items that simply help ease the parenting journey. My focus here are the more unique items that may not be a first thought and those that I reached with more trial and error.


A few of these aren’t used in the first few months. As a new mom, there were definitely plenty of newborn items I received. However, thinking past those first few days can provide mom with something she’ll need, but no one is likely to buy her.


10 Unique and  Inexpensive baby gift ideas:

Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links. That means that I receive a small percentage when you make a purchase through my link at no additional cost to you. However, you can rest assured that these are all products that we personally (have) own(ed) and use(d)…


1. Boon Pulp Silicone Feeder



I received this as one of my items in a Citrus Lane box (see #9) and it was my absolute favorite.The concept is simple: baby can suck purees through the small holes in the silicon top. He can therefore self-feed. The handle is easy for a little hand to grip. My baby was able to hold it before he really knew how to grip things. He loved sucking on it as the shape of the silicone is just like his fist! This was NOT a good solution for actual meals, but it was great when the dishes just HAD to get done already and baby was cranky…

This inexpensive product was an essential for me, and is great for bundling together with other feeding related gifts.


2. Summer Infant Bibbity Bib

This is a great option to pair with feeding products! I tried a few different bibs before I got to love this one. At first I used regular plastic bibs but hated how they looked so worn so fast. I also found that they got dirty fast and did not just wipe clean. This is worth the small investment as you’ll need fewer and ultimately save money.
The adjustable loops in the back means that you can close it tighter and it keeps clothing cleaner. It’s easy to clean and is long lasting. The pocket protrudes and catches lots more – I found myself changing his pants much less once I started using this bib. 

(Update: two years down the line, we still have the same bib. We bought an extra to have handy, too, but it lasted and was worth the investment!)


3. Lamaze Garden Bug Wrist Rattle & Foot Finder Set

Babies don’t learn to hold their own toys for a good few months and until he did, I found these rattles to be a lifesaver! They still keep him busy on the go – he doesn’t drop them, and he loves them even more now that he’s discovered his feet.
These are made by a brand that knows babies – they use a variety of textures and high contrast patterns. There are rattles and crinklies, satins, velvets, and cottons.


4. “Cute and Hoppy” Security Blanket

My baby’s “hoppy” is among his four favorite items (alongside my glasses, my phone, and his grumpy hippo doll). He bites on the eyes, and he buries his face in it. You hand it to him and his whole face lights up and he squeals with excitement. I can’t explain features and pros – it’s simply my Shmunchkin’s favorite.

Update: this product is no longer available. However, you can pick up something similar. Two years down the line, M still loves and plays with these. He learned how to say “Hoppy” before he learned how to say “Mommy”.  A lovey and blanket set offers something practical for mom, and fun for baby.


5. Baby shoes

This is one of the most popular items on the “you really don’t need this” lists but I actually loved this. They not only helped keep his socks on, but they also kept his feet warmer in the winter. While it’s best to leave your baby’s feet bare, there are circumstances that do call for a little extra protection and babies LOVE to pull off socks. Shoes are a lot harder to get off.

The Chicco pair pictured is long out of stock, and it will vary with the seasons – but do keep in mind which pairs will match more outfits!


6. Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets

While this is a common item, and this list is focused on the slightly less common, it is one of the items that made my early parenting days very easy. Until this was gifted to me, I struggled with receiving blankets. I did have a swaddle pod which may have been easier to use, but it was outgrown too fast. This blanket is very large and breathable, making it easy to use and safe for the baby. I also used it as a stroller cover as it is HUGE and helped keep strange hands off my baby. Once I started consistently swaddling him, he had an easier time falling asleep on his own and staying asleep for a little longer.

I linked to the Twinkle Gift Set  simply because I received that set later on, and really liked it. But they have lots of combinations to consider.


7.BenBat Bubble Dream Car Shades


I haven’t photographed this one, but M loves it! These car shades keep your baby safe and out of the sun. They are much more fun than typical car shades, making them more “giftable”. The plastic rounds reflect the sun and make some fun patterns in the car. We also love the mirror, but it looks like it’s been discontinued. It has a face that laughs, giggles, and makes noises. These are both products that will take a new mom through toddlerhood too.


8. Pacifier clip

Can I include a bit of self-promotion here? From the moment I heard I was pregnant, I set aside a pacifier clip for my baby. It has saved me many a dirty and lost pacifier. I used it mainly when I wore him – I attached it to the carrier and had it handy when he cried. It also did not drop when he spit it out. The same applies for when he was in the stroller – I’d clip it on so that if he spits it out it does not get lost.
These clips have a plastic clip so it does not snag. They come with a lifetime guarantee – so if the string frays and it’s no longer safe, you can send it in to get it redone. They are now made at a maximum length of six inches for safety reasons. They are a mommy-friendly design in case you want to wear it (as in my case). They can be ordered with matching baby bracelets and even Mommy bracelets. If you want to make one yourself, I have a tutorial hereand here


9. Citrus Lane

This subscription box service is amazing! While I am not the biggest fan of subscription boxes (if you want it, just get it), I did get this box once to try out and I loved the products inside (a board book, a hand cream, the Tea Collection romper pictured (out of stock) and the boon pulp feeder described in #1). I think that a surprise box of expertly curated products make the perfect gift when you yourself can’t decide, and receiving this box was a lot of fun. I loved that they included something for Mommy as well – I wouldn’t splurge on things for myself like that, and most gifts are more baby-oriented.


10. Fisher-Price Handy Hippo Bather (discontinued – see similar products)

You’ll see it all over: you do not need a baby bath. But then you put your baby in the sink or tub for the first time and he’s hysterical.
That’s what happened to me. I mentioned this to a neighbor of ours who lent us her bath seat. That made all the difference. A newborn often has the sensation of falling, especially when she is not held close. This is one of the primary reasons your baby will cry when bathed (considering the bath water is a comfortable temperature). A bath seat helps your baby feel more secure.
After my big move, when I had to return the bath seat to my neighbor, I went ahead and bought this one for myself. It has a handy hook for drying and the mesh seat is comfortable for baby. (With my neighbor’s hard plastic one, I had to cover it with a receiving blanket so it should be comfortable. This was a major pain.) It’s not a huge bath to have to find a place to stow, and it’s really inexpensive.


Some of these would work great together as a set – for example combine the bib with the feeder. I’ve provided the brands that I used so that I can provide good feedback on specific items I’ve used but if you see something similar – go ahead and try it!


What inexpensive baby gift ideas do you have?  What items could you not live without? 


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  1. I agree with the baby bath one or at least a bath sling to put in your tub. We actually went one step further and wrapped our twins in a towel to help them feel secure. It was a trick we learned in the NICU. They were the most content little babies in the tub.

  2. We have the silicone feeder too and you’re right, it’s a great distraction for baby. I often use it while I’m trying to prepare dinner.

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