Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.

Upgrade a Camera Strap Tutorial

Looking for a quick way to add some spice to your camera strap? This five minute camera strap tutorial is fun to do and easy to make!


Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.


The adorable camera straps I see online make me drool. My camera is my baby (well, almost) and I want it to look pretty! But they can be expensive.

Well, guess what else comes in the most adorable prints, makes me salivate, and only costs a few dollars?


You guessed it – duct tape! 


I love how strong duct tape is, and how unskilled I can be to use it. This is far from an advanced tutorial and is the kind of thing you can do on a whim – and then switch out on a whim! As a matter of fact, I just got in a new shipment of prints. Do you think I should switch it again?


Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.


To switch it, you WILL need to cover over what you’ve done. Trying to take off the duct tape would be a pretty difficult task and I DON’T recommend it.


I used the camera strap that came with my camera. You can get a new one on the cheap too. (I’d recommend one from the brand of your camera, so that you know it’s strong).

Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.


What you need for the camera strap tutorial:

(affiliate links provided for your convenience.)


Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.


How to upgrade your camera strap in five minutes:


1. Cover one side of the main part of your strap with your duct tape (stop at the fake leather ends). Trim.

Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.


2. Flip your strap over and fold over the extra. You can see that I wasn’t accurate with my work, and it still came out great!

Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.


3. Cover the second side with duct tape.Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.


4. Trim your the extra using a very sharp pair of scissors (I recommend fabric shears.)

Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.


You’ve got a customized camera strap for a few dollars! Say goodbye to your old, boring camera strap and hello to your new cool one.
Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.


Put it on your camera and snap away!

Upgrade a camera strap in five minutes with this super easy tutorial! Click for supplies and instructions - anyone can make this easy DIY craft, you don't need skills or experience.

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