Clothespin Puppets – Unicorns! (Free Template)
Unicorns are simply the best – and now you have a free printable unicorn clothespin puppets template! If you loved my previous clothespin puppets, you’ll simply adore these. Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.
For ages, I’ve been wanting to do some unicorn puppets in the same style as my original clothespin puppets. Since I discovered those, I’ve been making loads of clothespin crafts, but I wanted to go back to that original puppet idea and make something fun.
More importantly, I wanted to create some fun and crazy unicorn hair with the yarn like I did last time. I didn’t have rainbow colors in yarn, so that one fell flat a bit, but I tried another version with embroidery floss.
I created two unicorns for you to download – one is slightly more “realistic” (if you can even use that word for a unicorn…) One is more fun – kind of like kawaii style. That one was created simply by adding unicorn elements to the design of my original clothespin puppets.
Clothespin puppets are great for so many things: as an OT tool, for fine motor skills, to teach about mood, expression, as a reading tool, and so many more great ideas that my readers have suggested to me. Craft them and play with them however you’d like!
Come join the Sisterhood of Crazy Crafters so that you can share your own crafts and find inspiration from fellow crafty sisters!
What you need to make unicorn clothespin puppets:
- The template. Print it by entering your email below:
[convertkit form=5161543]
- Markers (I used Prismacolor Premiere including the portrait pack for the paler colors)
- Clothespins
- Yarn or embroidery floss
- Glue – I used wood glue for the paper and clothespins, and tacky glue for the hair. You can most likely use tacky for both
- Scissors
How to assemble your unicorn clothespin puppets:
Watch the video below, or scroll down for step-by-step photos and instructions:
1. Color your puppets. You two sets of each style on your printout – print a unicorn and its mirror image to make one of your clothespin puppets.
2. Cut out your template, and cut it across where the mouth is.
3. Glue the top half to the side of your clothespin. You might need to work around the metal bits and hold it for a few seconds until it sets.
3. Repeat with the bottom half, and then flip over and glue the mirror image to the other side.
I made two different styles of hair for the unicorn clothespin puppets:
4. Braided hair: Cut out a few lengths of yarn for the hair
5. Knot them, leaving about an inch at the top to allow for some “bangs”.
6. Braid them together.
7. When it’s as long as you’d like it to be, knot it and trim.
8. Glue it so that the knot sits about where the ears are.
I glued it once on each side to the inside of each ear, held it in place for a few seconds until it set, and then reinforced it as I felt necessary.
9. For the unbraided hair:
This will work with yarn or embroidery floss, but since I used floss, I’ll write accordingly. Cut about 20 or so pieces of embroidery thread – a few of each color in long, uneven lengths.
10. Tie one piece around the others about an inch from the top, so that the ends of your knot will mostly fall in line with the rest of the “hair”.
11. If you like the messy look, scrunch it up to mess it up.
12. Glue it in place like you did the previous style.
Invite over some friends and put on a show!
And don’t forget to join the Sisterhood of Crazy Crafters so that you can share what you’ve done!
If you loved these unicorn clothespin puppets, check out the crafts below too!

Wow, these unicorn clothespin puppets template are so beautiful. Nicely designed, and I must consider these design for my son’s project.
have you the printable unicorn clothespin please ?
The download form is by the materials list but if you’re still having trouble email me at [email protected]
lovely for a birthday party