I work hard on the content of this website and therefore have set some boundaries regarding how you may use content on this website.



Images from Moms & Crafters may not be used for any intents or purposes other than to promote the article for which it was created. When you promote an article of mine using a image, make sure it follows the following conditions:

  • Does not disclose information about the technique, advice, or opinions offered so that readers don’t need to click through
  • Only a single image can be used.
  •  Subtle alterations (cropping, color enhancement, inclusion in a collage) may be done, however the blog name or watermark must remain intact where relevant.
  • Provides a clear, visible link that is easy to click to reach the article on my blog. An image with the word “source” captioned in tiny letters doesn’t count.
  •  I’d prefer that wherever possible you avoid using an image with my child in it. If it is a hero image, go ahead. If it is my son modeling a craft, I prefer you choose a different photo.

Roundups: I LOVE to be featured in roundups, and I love even more to know about it! They are great for traffic, and great for SEO. I usually will pin if I’ve been featured. Just make sure you follow the above use (how would YOU like your post featured in a roundup?) and you’re good. Here are some examples of roundups I’ve done – I definitely don’t mind if you use my posts similarly.

Cool Crafts for Teens

Jewelry Making Crafts for Kids

Pool Noodle Crafts and Activities

Social Media: I appreciate all shares, including those that are shared as an image along with a proper, clear link in the same status (not as a comment afterward). Feel free to tag me too!



You may NOT translate a tutorial from here to any language, provide step by step information. If you were inspired by this to create your own content, I’d love a link back to my article. While I can’t copyright ideas, I do request  that you make obvious changes (and OF COURSE use your own image) if you decide to re-blog an idea inspired by mine.

If you want to syndicate this post with an excerpt, I encourage you to reach out to me before doing so. In any case, here are a few conditions:

  • You may include only an introductory paragraph, nothing helpful, no instructions, no tips
  • You may use the hero image for the post, but no other images
  • I’d appreciate if you let me know!
  • If syndicating on social media, you may use a sample quote, but please, once again, direct readers to my post.
  • You are offering it for free! No sign-ups – anyone who visits your site can see it.

Complete reposts of an article are NOT allowed, unless you’re Huffington Post. Even then, please notify me first…. Collages made of the steps, process of a craft are NOT allowed, even with a link back.


I require fair use of printables on my blog. That includes:

  • You may not sell it.
  • You may not redistribute it.
  • You can share it, by sharing the link to this page. You can include a preview image but make sure the link is displayed clearly, or link the image.
  • You may not copy it.
  • You can print a couple for your friends, but please be reasonable ;)
  • You may use it for commercial purposes in it’s intended function. For example, you can use my pillow boxes for product packaging, but you may not sell them or charge extra for that. You may use my play dough mats in a classroom, however you may not sell the play dough mats



If you made a craft or recipe based off a post on this website, you MAY sell it, provided you follow these conditions:

  • You make a VISIBLE and OBVIOUS change to the design.
  • You do not claim credit for the tutorial.
  • I always appreciate if you link back to me as the inspiration.
  • You do not use any resources on Moms & Crafters for marketing it (such as the images I created for that craft, or my logo.)

If you have ANY QUESTIONS feel free to contact me just to be sure