Daisy Chain Friendship Bracelet
Make a classic but oh so pretty daisy chain friendship bracelet using this simple tutorial! If you prefer, you can also try these simple flower friendship bracelets. This post contains affiliate links.

Friendship bracelet making was a therapy for me throughout my tween and teen years, and I’m always happy to share winning ideas.
Classic bracelets are some of my favorite friendship bracelet patterns for beginners, and the daisy chain friendship bracelet does not disappoint! This bracelet is so easy – if you can make the basic bracelets (learn all about friendship bracelet making here) you can make this. A simple chain connects the small daisy flowers.
It was one of my favorites as a child, and it’s quite easy to master.

Ultimately, the way you make the daisy chain friendship bracelet is by alternating the chain (similar to the spiral staircase bracelet, only you’re switching directions so that it doesn’t spiral) with the “daisy” – which can be any flower if you change the colors!
The daisy is made very similarly to a chevron, or to a simplified version of the diamond friendship bracelet pattern.

I love how the “chain” resembles leaves, and chose my colors accordingly.
Friendship bracelet posts take me FOREVER to put together – just because making a few to stage takes so long – but my toddler saved me on this one! She saw me making it and wanted it for herself! She has been proudly wearing it ever since.
Fundamentals to know before making a daisy chain friendship bracelet
knot = double knot
To make this, you do need to know the very basic bracelet knots.
To recap:
A hitch is when you tie something one time around another. A knot is made up of two hitches. So if I say forward knot – I mean twice forward around the other one. This forms a “stitch”.
To make this daisy chain friendship bracelets, you’ll use the following stitches:
- Forward (knot the left string twice around the string to the right – left to right).
- Backward (knot the right string twice around the one to the left – right to left)
- Forward/Backward (Knot the left string once around the one to the right then back around from right to left so that it ends up in the same position.
- Backward/forward – the opposite of forward/backward. Knot the right around the left right to left, and then again left to right.

One of the things I love about making daisy chain friendship bracelets is that it really teaches and practices a lot of basic friendship bracelet knots, making it a fabulous practice or learning bracelet.
It looks fancy but it’s really simple and doesn’t take too long to put together.

The diamonds that connect the chains on this bracelet form the flower. While not a proper flower shape, when your bracelet is complete it looks so pretty and floral!
I hope you have as much fun with this one as I have!
What you’ll need
- Embroidery floss in three colors: a background (chain) color, petal, and center. Cut sizes (cut one of each – you’re doubling it over:) center – 70 inches, petal – 85 inches, background – about 100 inches
- Scissors
- Tape – optional
- Optional: bracelet jig/”loom”
How to make a daisy chain friendship bracelet
You can watch the full video tutorial if you prefer to learn that way:
Learn how to start and finish a friendship bracelet – I started and finished mine using the advanced loop method. It feeds right into the daisy chain friendship bracelet pattern and becomes part of the design.
You’ll see I already did a couple of rounds – you’re starting at the point that you have an open loop made in the center of your threads.
Note: If you’re starting a different way that’s not a problem, just start with your strings in the correct order.
From outer strings to center strings it should be: background color, center color, and petal color.

1. Pull out your two petal color strings in the center. You’re working with those.

You can forward or backward or forward/backward or backward/forward it doesn’t matter. Make a complete knot using one petal color around the other.
Make sure to pull this one tight, connecting the two halves of the starter loop/chains.

2. Take the right petal string, and forward knot it around the next – the center string.

3. Forward backward knot it around the next string – the background color – so that it ends up in the same position as it was.

4. Repeat the process in the reverse using the left petal string: backward knot around the center color and backward forward around the background color.

5. You now have your two center colors in the center. Pull those out and knot one around the other – just like you did with the petal color. Make a complete knot (a double knot) direction doesn’t matter.

6. Take the left petal string and forward knot it around the left center. Repeat in the reverse on the right: backward knot the right petal string around the right center string.

7. With both petal strings in the center, you’re going right back to where you started: knotting one petal string around the other in any direction as long as it’s a complete (double) knot.
That forms the cutest little diamond – the daisy!

8. Now we’ll start the chain portion. To do this, you’re splitting your strings in half, working on half at a time. I’m going to remind you that each knot is actually a double knot – with single knot being a “hitch” and a knot being made up of two hitches.
That being said, you’ll have to decide how many complete knots you want here – there aren’t really strict rules!

Working on the right side, backwards/forwards knot your background string around the petal and center strings.

9. Make as many backward/forward knots as you’d like, just be consistent. I did eight. You can do six, ten, twelve – more than that and your chain won’t sit nicely.

10. Repeat on the left side with forward/backward knots.

Keep in mind that when you’re knotting a single string around another one (or two) so many times, your run of knots can be moved around and tightened/loosened. You can spread it a little more or less – just make sure to keep things consistent.

You’re now back at step 1, ready to knot your petal color. Continue the process until it’s long enough. If using the advanced loop method to finish off your bracelet, make two braids.

I hope you enjoyed learning how to make a daisy chain friendship bracelet. What’s your favorite bracelet to make? Comment below!