Crafts for Special Needs Adults

DIY Denim Flowers from old jeans

Denim is one of my favorite materials to upcycle, and I’ve been crafting a lot with it lately. Today I have for you these super-easy DIY denim flowers from my toddler’s old overalls. Stay tuned – I have lots more coming with denim soon!


Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


I made these denim flowers with both Spring and my nieces in mind. I thought it would be pretty to make something simple, shabby chic, but really pretty. 

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Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


I haven’t yet made practical use of these, but I thought they would look great on a barrette or alligator clip (you’ll need to make it smaller than I did for that), on a hairband, or even glued onto a baby bodysuit! Cover up those stains…

Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens! Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


I used an old pair of overalls that used to belong to M. The snaps were broken and the style was a bit old, so I didn’t bother passing it on to someone else. Instead, I threw it in with my crafting supplies. For this one, I also pulled out another pair of old overalls made from a darker denim. That one had a nice inside as well, so I got three beautiful tones of denim.

Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


For the buttons, I used assorted ones from the “button jar”, plus one that I pulled off the buckle of the overalls. Of course, this is a no-sew project (you know I love those…)

I assembled it using my handy glue gun. Since these denim flowers are made of very porous materials, they should stick well using a glue gun. However, if you’d like it to be extra secure, you can try using E6000 glue. It takes longer to dry (which is why I didn’t use it) but tends to glue things basically forever.

Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


I like the “purposely frayed” edges and would have made them worse if I had the patience, but I’ll just give it time… If you don’t have different colors of denim to play with, you can get creative, backing it on felt to set the layers apart (or do a center layer with a different stiff fabric).


Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


What you need to make recycled denim flowers:



How to make denim flowers from old jeans:


1. Mark three sizes of uneven circles on your denim (the side you won’t be using)

Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


2. Cut them out. Don’t worry about uneven sides – those make it look better.Make these super easy DIY recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


3. Stack them up and glue together, making sure you have some sort of contrast. I had a lighter denim, a darker one, and flipped over some of the dark ones for another shade.
Make these super easy DIY recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


4. Fold a piece of burlap ribbon. You can do a double leaf by folding the two sides of a longer piece toward the center, or a single one by folding it in half. Glue in the center, but leave the loop loose.
Make these super easy DIY recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


5. Glue the leaf to the back, and a button to the center. Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


That’s all! It’s rare to have an upcycled craft that is so totally giftable, but, due to denim’s durability, it can be easily added to headbands, clips, and more and turned into wonderful gifts to give.


Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens! Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!

Make these super easy, shabby chic, burlap and recycled denim flowers. Perfect for making DIY accessories like headbands or hair clips, but I used it to update an old onesie. It's also a great way to upcycle and repurpose old jeans and a perfect craft for teens!


What will you be adding these denim flowers to? Comment below and share your ideas!



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