DIY Felt Basket 2 Ways: Sewing and No Sew

Craft your own DIY felt basket two different ways: by sewing or without! If you prefer, you can check out these paper basket templates too. This post contains affiliate links.

Felt baskets are just so sweet and there are probably a zillion ways to make it. Personally, I have at least four styles of (purchased) felt baskets throughout my house, which just shows you how many ways they can be made.

In this post, I’m teaching you how to make easy DIY felt baskets two ways:

  • Sewing a square basket (you can also hot glue this style)
  • A no-sew version that is designed to be no-sew, not just a hot-glued version of the sewed one. It supports itself without any sewing or gluing and can be folded flat when not in use.

These are two totally unique templates that I offer for free at the end of this post.

sew and no sew options for the DIY felt baskets two ways
two DIY felt baskets two ways sew and no sew grey and blue

The size of this one is a few inches in each direction. It’s perfect for fitting a few treats, or for mini storage. For example, I store my sewing clips in one of them.

DIY felt baskets two ways grey basket with handles

Tips for crafting a DIY felt basket

Making felt baskets in big

These baskets are very small, because I wanted to fit them onto a single page – and sheet of felt. If you want to make them larger, you can absolutely scale them up. The formula should work in any size.

To do this, simply print it at scale (200%, 500% etc) and assemble the combined template using mine as a guide.

You can also simply use my template as a visual guide – especially the sewn one. Just look at how I constructed mine and construct your own from scratch.

It’s made of five equal sides: the base, and four walls. They are arranged as a “plus”. Make your own larger template from poster board. You can then reuse it to trace multiple baskets. Make sure to purchase good quality thick felt yardage if you’re making these DIY felt baskets in big.

Your Handle Choices for crafting a DIY felt basket

On the sewn basket, I created a handle template that you can cut from felt. If you’re making this in larger, you can sew it on. If you want to sew it on the mini basket, do this before you craft the rest or it’ll be too hard to get in there with the sewing machine. I just glued mine on cuz why not.

detailed shot of the sew square grey felt basket with two blue handles
detailed shot of the blue felt square felt basket no sew with lace ribbon handle

You can really use these handles for both baskets, but on the no sew version I added a handle from ribbon. I cut it a bit too short for it to show up nicely in the photos but the idea is there.

You can really mix and match, use ribbon or rope as handles for any basket. You can do the handles how I did – as hand ones that fold over on one side, or as arm handles that go from one side of the basket to the other.

stack of the two DIY felt baskets two ways blue and grey

Two templates and ways to craft a DIY felt basket

The two baskets have two totally unique templates and processes but I decided to combine them into this one post so that you can easily see them side by side and choose which to craft.

The sewn version (can be glued too)

There are a few ways you can assemble this template – and no, it doesn’t have to be machine sewed!

You can:

  • Machine sew it like I did. I used a cheap basic sewing machine for this – nothing fancy is needed for sewing felt.
  • Hand sew it in pretty blanket edged stitch, using coordinating embroidery floss
  • Hot glue it as if you’re sewing it along the seam lines. I find that this has its own advantage: the hot glue provides some structure.

I machine sewed my basket to be a perfectly solid structured basket, that totally holds its own shape. To do that, I also sewed along the bottom seams. You don’t have to do that. You can exclusively sew the four corners if you prefer, just watch the bottom corners to make sure you close them off.

No Sew No Glue Stashable DIY Felt Basket

The second one takes really seconds to assemble and can be easily dismantled for storage when not in use. (Please tell me I’m not the only person who needs storage solutions for my storage solutions!)

It is assembled with a simple knotted bit of leather or faux leather cording.

You can also glue it in place or stitch it down with a few simple stitches of embroidery floss.

I did not include holes on the template – personally I usually punch those holes so I didn’t think to do it.

You can mark these yourself on your template if you’d like.

How to Make a DIY Felt Basket

You’ll Need

Basic Supplies

To Sew it

No sew version

Assembly Instructions

Watch the video, or scroll down for written instructions:

YouTube video


1. Pin your template to the sheet of felt and cut it out. (Or trace your template using washable fabric marker and cut it out)

 Pin your template to the sheet of felt and cut it out.

2. Remove the template.

remove the template

3. Fold up your side towards the center (make no note of the fact that in the photo mine isn’t straight – just make yours straight. It’s pretty forgiving, though).

Fold up your side towards the center

4. Sew along that fold – I left about 1/8 of an inch seam.

sewing the sides

5. Do this for all four sides.


6. Now sew your four corners. Start by pinching together two sides.

sewing the corners

7. And then sew along the side where they join to create an external seam. Keep your seam size consistent with the bottom.

sewing the corners

8. Do this for all four corners.

9. Cut two handles from coordinating or contrasting felt.

10. Glue them down on one end on opposite sides so that they are directly across from each other – about 1/3 of the way from the edge.

adding the handles

11. Glue down the other end so that you’re gluing the same back side of the felt down, forming a flat surface on the top of the handle.

attaching the handles

Note: you can sew this down too but if making a very mini basket, it can be hard to sew down now. You can do it on the flat template, but you may find the handles make the sewing harder. I found this to be the easiest way to add the handles.

No sew

1. Pin your template to the sheet of felt and cut it out. (Or trace your template using washable fabric marker and cut it out). Make sure not to miss those four slits.

Pin your template to the sheet of felt and cut it out.

2. Remove your template.

remove the template

3. Prefold your basket.

folding the basket

4. Make two holes each on the four rounded ends. To do this, fold up the flat sides, and then the rounded sides. Bring the rounded sides around the flat to meet each other and mark where you want the holes. The rounded sides overlap – make sure that the holes you make on them match up.

adding holes to the basket

5. Match those sides back up and thread a piece of leather lacing a few inches long through them, from the inside to the outside.

matching up the holes on the side
looping and tying the basket together

6. Tie an overhand knot on the lacing.

7. Add a handle if you’d like! Mine is made from ribbon.

gluing on the ribbon handle

Download your DIY felt basket templates

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Your DIY felt baskets are complete. How will you be making yours and what will you be using it for? Comment below and then check out this fun DIY cardboard box storage bin.

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