Do A Dot Number Printables

Dot art coloring pages are a really fun way for kids to learn the numbers, which is why I decided to offer you these fun Do A Dot number printables! If you’d like more do-a-dot freebies, check out my travel sheet printables and then scroll down for some dot marker fun! Disclosure: this post contains commissioned links.

These free do a dot number printables are a great way for kids to have fun learning number forms without worksheets! They're great for at home, for pre-k or kindergarten prep, and a great dot art coloring pages for preschoolers.

My boys had so much fun with these do a dot number printables! We do NOT homeschool – I just like to do fun things with them at home, with bonus points for them being educational.

They sat with them for a while (although M was annoyed that I had already filled out one of the pages to stage these pictures – but that’s the perk of a printable! You can print it again and again.)

Baby Y joined M as well, although it took him a while to figure out that he needs to take the cover off the dot marker….

Do a dot number printables for preschoolers
Do a dot number printables for preschoolers

I commissioned them from a designer – because I wanted to share something fun like this with my readers and wasn’t getting around to creating them myself! Each number has a corresponding amount of that fun sea-animal themed image drawn next to it so that your child can count as he or she goes along.

These do a dot number printables are designed to be used with Do-A-Dot markers (or bingo markers) but you can use a cotton swab with paint as well – or anything along those lines.

You’ve got numbers one through ten, making this perfect for your preschooler.

Download your Do A Dot  number printables:

Enter your email address blow and then check your inbox for your do a dot number printables. If you have any issues with the download, just contact me at menucha at momsandcrafters dot com. For personal, classroom, and public library use only.


Download Your Do A Dot Numbers

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These printables are formatted with two numbers on a page. You can either print them out and use them as coloring pages like I did. Or, print on card stock and cut them apart to make your own number cards. You can also just print them on regular paper, and cut them in half as half-sized coloring pages.


I hope you enjoy these do a dot number printables! Comment below: what is your favorite fun way to learn at home?

Loved these? Try more like it! Grab the downloads below too:

Travel do a dot sheets
I love these adorable quirky paper puppets - with mouthes that open and close with a clothespin! Love this unique, easy clothespin craft for kids (or adults). It includes a free printable for the faces, which you can then color in, and add yarn and googly eyes for character. This free printable coloring page craft is so cool!
Clothespin Puppets
Print and color these fun paper houses and then play with them! This color-in paper craft for kids and adults is easy to create, open-ended and really entertaining! It's a great rainy day activity for preschoolers too and a unique coloring page and papercraft.
Paper Houses

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