Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.

Free Printable Adult Coloring Pages – Sunsets ‘n Scenes

This latest set of adult coloring pages has been my favorite to color so far – especially the mountain scene! I had great feedback on my modern floral complex coloring pages because of the bold lines and design, so I tried to recreate similar bold lines on this one.


Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.


These sunset scenes are dynamic and full of character! One has a mountainous foreground (which can be colored as water as well) with a blazing sun, and a very active sky. The other one has a raging sea with creatures in the foreground (or you can consider them waves too, due to its abstract nature), and a cloudy sky with birds. 


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I kept one simpler, and one more complex (though still not overly so) due to feedback I received on previous pages. Some of you said you liked that it wasn’t too complicated to complete, and some of you like covering the entire page with beautiful colors… So I did one and one.

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Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.


I had trouble getting these out, due to my trusty old Sharpie starting to bail on me. But I persevered…

For next time, I finally got up the guts to order some better drawing pens that will hopefully get a nonbleeding sharper line (though I do like the inconsistencies of the lines on these, and even intentionally exaggerated it in some places.)


Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.


I went all out on the mountain scene and even included some coloring tips below.


How to color these adult coloring pages:


First of all, of course, download and print the coloring pages here.

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I’ll tell you the honest truth: I don’t love how the “waves” page came out when I colored it. While using markers has an “effortless” benefit for sure, it does not offer much in the way of versatility. Since my set is very old (I have this one) some of my colors are missing or not working. I’m saving up my “craft supply budget” for this set which has plenty of shades. Meanwhile, I’m working with colored pencils.


Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.


Okay, I’m making it sound like colored pencils are my second choice – and they’re not! It really depends on my mood. With markers, I simply fill in the lines. With colored pencils, I can bring out my inner artist. I used colored pencils on the mountains and  hills sheet, and you can see that I’ve gone all-out. 


Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.


Soft colored pencils (these are the ones I have, and I love them!) can be layered and shaded. When I shared my coffee coloring pages, I wrote about how you can vary a lighter touch for softer colors, and a bold, rich fill.

They can also be layered and blended to some extent. Here are some examples and how I applied it to these adult coloring pages:

  1. The sun: I filled it in with bold yellow color and then layered some red lightly in the center. I gradually lightened it by layering shades of orange and yellow, and adding a bit of white around the edge. I then blended it all by coloring on top with the palest yellow, so that the entire sun seems like one unit.Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.
  2. The “wave” clouds in the sky: I wanted a “cotton candy” effect – barely colored, but solid. I colored very light layers of lavender and soft pink. I colored on top with white to blend it.Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.
  3. The color groups in the mountains and the sky: You’ll see with lots of my pages that I like to group color families together to keep the different parts within a single unit visually combined. I colored the mountains a shades of greens and shades of browns, and then layered the yellow on top of the whole thing to bring it together. I did the same with the groups in the sky, layering the lightest shade I used there on top to “combine” it.
    Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.
    You can see the difference: the green mountains have been “blended”/colored over with yellow, and the brown ones haven’t been.


They really are fun to play around with, so go ahead and give it a try!

As usual, feel free to share with me what you’ve done by posting to my Facebook wall or emailing me (menucha at momsandcrafters dot com).

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Download and print these free printable adult coloring pages! The magnificent sunset landscape scenes are complex but not overly so, and so much fun for adults to color.


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  1. These are beautiful! The adult coloring pages are usually too frustrating for me (so much for the calming effect, lol!) but that doesn’t stop me from admiring such lovely ones as these!

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