A free printable coloring page for adults, free from the illustrator! You'll love coloring this eccentric "man in hat" complex colouring page for grown-ups. It's detailed, crazy, and fun!

Free Printable Man in Hat Coloring Page for Adults

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Last week, I offered you a free printable “lady in hat” coloring page for adults. When I created that, I also decided to create a guy to go along with her. The thing is, he didn’t quite come out like I had imagined, and I decided to ditch him….


A free printable coloring page for adults, free from the illustrator! You'll love coloring this eccentric "man in hat" complex colouring page for grown-ups. It's detailed, crazy, and fun!


With every post I share here, I don’t just share a tutorial, recipe, or article. I share a story of mine. Usually, when I share free printable coloring pages, I share with you the story of how I colored it.


To be honest with you, here I don’t have much to share, so I’m just sharing the page.


Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.


Okay, I’m kidding. 

I’ll share the story of the page.

This page was originally intended to be a mysterious, sketchy kind of person. Low hat. Trench code. Shades covering much of his face…yadayadayada….


A free printable coloring page for adults, free from the illustrator! You'll love coloring this eccentric "man in hat" complex colouring page for grown-ups. It's detailed, crazy, and fun!


But as it developed, he started to look a bit… flamboyant? Eccentric? Colorful? Wait – that can’t be it. He’s rather black-n-white.

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The bottom line is, I really didn’t like him, and decided to ditch him.

But, as he sat in my sketchbook, I kept on thinking that it’s such a shame! So, I consulted with some of my top advisors (a.k.a. the Coloring Tribe), and they said it’ll be fun to color.


The truth, I realized, is that “mystery guy” can be quite boring to color. He wants to hide. So he’d be colored with subtle colors – grays, browns, a touch of black for depth? BORING!

Eccentric dude, on the other hand, is full of life! Rainbow hair! Copper-rimmed shades! Maybe a touch of glitter?

Okay, I confess that had my husband dressed like this, I NEVER would have agreed to date him. But who said this guy can’t be fun to color? I think he’s super fun.


A free printable coloring page for adults, free from the illustrator! You'll love coloring this eccentric "man in hat" complex colouring page for grown-ups. It's detailed, crazy, and fun!


In any case, I was left to scan him, clean him up, and color him at the last minute. So I decided to go digital (gasp!)

It was actually quite fun!

[convertkit form=5124947]

I used Adobe Photoshop and selected each section to color on its own. I colored it using a soft brush, layering darker shades on top of light, using a 22-30% opacity setting.


But, of course, if you want to go traditional pens and pencils, make sure you do add that little bit of glitter.

Color him at your own risk – and enjoy!!


Don’t forget to check out more free printable coloring pages for adults here, and to share your colored work with the Coloring Tribe!

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  1. I’m glad you shared! I think it is great! And we need the man and the woman in hats! Would be fun as a pair in frames! 🙂 Thank you!

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