Gift Ideas for Everyone
Over the years, I’ve put together various gift guides for the holidays. These gift ideas for everyone were created on evergreen themes that are great for birthday gifts too (unless otherwise stated).
Click on the image and scroll through each post to find some great gift ideas for the people on your list, incentives for your kids, or birthday gifts for your loved ones.
Gift Ideas by Age
Sometimes the easiest place to start looking for gift ideas is the recipient’s age. Here, I’ve sorted my guides by age: you have babies, toddlers, preschoolers, tweens and teens (school-age), and of course, moms and dads.
I’ve also included in this section ideas that would work for the whole family, as well as subscription box ideas for kids of all ages.

Gift Ideas by Interest
My favorite place to look when buying gifts for anyone is at their obsessions and interests.
M tends to go overboard with obsession when he likes something. As a toddler, it was Elmo. Now he’s obsessed with Paw Patrol.
He gets it from me – I’m obsessed with coffee. Get me anything coffee-related and I’m sure to love it. I also love decorating the home and obviously I thrive on crafting.
I stuck to the “things I know” here so that you can be sure you’re getting authentic recommendations, so I hope this makes your shopping easier!

Gift Ideas to DIY
If you’re looking to save a little ca$h, you can make your own gifts! This is a very in-comprehensive list of DIY gifts on my site – since most of the crafts I’ve created are totally giftable.
I put the lists that are organized by theme here since I simply can’t link to it all here!

What are your favorite gift ideas? Got any ideas for finding the perfect gift for the people on your list? Comment below!