Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky

How to Brand your Etsy Shop

If you’re trying to sell your handmade goods on Etsy, branding is important. In this post I will share with you how to brand your Etsy shop, along with a simple tutorial for making a branded header image using BeFunky’s new Designer Toolset.


Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


What is Branding?


I discussed branding a little bit in this post, mostly in relation to blogs. Branding means creating imagery that people connect to your company. That means using specific elements that repeat and convey your brand message.

For example, you can see the logo of my blog. 

I used a font that is creative in nature, but solid, to portray the mix of handcrafts and parenting that I share here. I chose colors that are bold but colorful, to show personality, but maintain a seriousness. I also wanted to show my uniqueness and share how “colorful” I am. 

Moms & Crafters


I even created specific shapes I use within my logo. I use those shapes, and a set of three specific fonts throughout my blog graphics. You can see that flat sided oval in my social media icons, on some of blog images, and even on my business cards. 


That way when people see this set of colors, fonts, and/or shapes, their brain connects it to my brand and they feel familiar with it. That is branding.



How to brand your Etsy shop: 


Here is a simple step-by-step process for branding your Etsy shop. This process begins BEFORE logo creation. It’s how you decide what your brand message is, and set the rules. 

  1. Define what you’re all about. Is each item unique? Are your supplies sourced from nature? You set the rules!
  2. Make an inspiration board. Look at other shops you like, find fonts that you like, experiment with color combinations.
  3. Set a group of rules for your brand. This can be colors that you use AND how you use them. It can also be specific shapes and elements that repeat themselves within your brand graphics.
  4. Design a logo, or determine the font and arrangement of your shop name. 
  5. Create the graphics for your Etsy shop! Repeat these elements in your shop header, Facebook page header, Twitter images, and even Facebook posts about sales. Use the right fonts, colors, rules, arrangements. Make it scream out your shop, so that customers make the visual connections. 

BeFunky, an old, favorite photo editor of mine, just created a new set of tools that will make it MUCH easier to create these elements. I have created a tutorial showing you how to create a branded Etsy shop header using the BeFunky Designer Toolset. Their easy templates will help you make all of these elements in the right sizes, so that everything appears polished, and in the right resolution.



How to brand your Etsy shop using BeFunky: 


1. Sign up for a BeFunky account. You can skip this, but I don’t recommend that. If you are logged in, any images you upload can be saved. That means, if you want to switch out your header, you’ll still have all the images – your logo, any icons you use, etc. uploaded to BeFunky.

2. Go to the Designer section of BeFunky.

Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


3. Click on the “Templates section.” If you go to “Social Media Headers”, you can choose from a variety of pre-made Etsy headers and customize it from there. I’ll be showing you how to create one from scratch.
Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


4. Choose “Blank Templates”, and under that “Social Media”.Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky



5. Here you will find all the different sizes you may need, in that website’s recommended dimensions. Choose Etsy header. It gives you a blank canvas the size of an Etsy header!Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


6. Since I have my logo ready (it’s my signature scanned), I chose the image icon, and then “computer” to upload my image.Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


7. Add in your logo, and size it as you wish. Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


8. I have a fun, canvas background I use in my branding. I uploaded that too. The Designer Toolset includes a few tools that allow you to move things around as you need. I chose the “move backward options. I also lowered the “opacity” (how sheer or opaque an image is) to 50% so that it should appear lighter on the white background. 


You can use images of what you create. You can also browse Pixabay within the BeFunky Designer Toolset. Pixabay is a website full of stock photography that is free for commercial use, to find a background similar to mine. Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


9. I explained a few more of the tools in the image below: how to brand your Etsy Shop step 9


10. Next step: add whichever other elements showcase your brand! This can be images of what you made, a tagline, or some shapes that represent you. I chose the text editor to add my tagline. Of course, I wanted it in the font that I use (Exo). Choose “yours” in the font selection to access fonts you have on your computer. Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


11. When the font is no longer highlighted, select the text field. You can resize as you wish, and choose from various formatting options. Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


12. You can also choose various shapes to add visual interest. I chose “lines” to connect my logo and tagline, and create balance. Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


13. Edit it to fit your brand colors, and resize as needed. Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky



Save it to your computer and upload it to your Etsy shop! Here is my finished header. 


how to design an etsy shop header


You can see how it looks in my shop here

I highly recommend having a designer create for you, or designing yourself, a set of graphics and a logo that you can have ready in your BeFunky account to throw onto all the images you create. Have your designer create it with a transparent background so that you can put it on top of any image without having a white border.


Even if you don’t have a logo ready, you can brand your blog from within BeFunky. Just to show you, I created another shop header, Using BeFunky’s pre-loaded graphics: 

how to make an etsy shop header


I arranged my shop name in a way that would reflect its personality. Future graphics can simply be stamped with the flower to show what it’s all about. All graphics would use the fonts I used in the header, and the shop name would be arranged exactly as it is now. 


BeFunky is my favorite tool for quickly taking care of graphics and branding both my Etsy shop and my blog. While I’ve previously used it for creating image collages in specific sizes (such as my Facebook Page header), I LOVE how the new Designer Toolset allows me to add more branding elements.


Do you have any questions on how to brand you Etsy shop, or Facebook page? Do you want to know anything else about these tools? Comment below and I will answer your questions as soon as possible. 


Looking for tips for selling on Etsy? Read how to brand you Etsy shop, plus a step-by-step tutorial for how to make an Etsy shop header using Befunky


Disclaimer: This tutorial has been sponsored by BeFunky. All thoughts and opinions are my own.



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  1. Did you use the upgraded version for this tutorial? Once I got to the background stage I couldn’t get it to fit the Etsy banner size.

  2. Thank you so much for all of that fabulous information. Being new to all of this I am just reading up everything I can get my hands on.
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