DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - halloween crafts

DIY Jack O Lantern Tea Light Holders

With Halloween just around the corner, I decided to make some DIY Jack O Lantern tea light holders from the baby food jars I have in over-abundance. You can make it from larger jars as well using this tutorial, however inspiration for this did come from the way the shape of the jars remind of pumpkins


DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - a great halloween craft to upcycle baby food jars!


I used to sit and color anything and everything with permanent markers. I loved just filling in large areas of color – it helped me unwind. That’s what I did with these jars. If you don’t have that kind of patience, you can get a child of almost any age to help! If your little one is able to, you can have him or her color (wearing something you don’t mind wrecking) and you’ll fill in the empty spots. An older child or teen might enjoy just sitting and filling in the large spaces.


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DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - halloween crafts


How to make a DIY Jack O Lantern Tea Light Holder:


  • Measure the height of the tea light and mark it on the jar using the orange marker.

DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - halloween crafts



  • Draw the outline of your faces using the orange marker. Make sure the bottom of the face is above the top of the tea light.

DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - halloween crafts



  • Color around it in orange, covering the entire surface of the jar, besides the insides of the features. If you pass over the date markings a few times, it should be erased by the markers. Use color the rim as well, and the bottom, taking care while going in the grooves.

DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - halloween crafts



  • Carefully outline the features in black. Color them in.

DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - halloween crafts



  • Put in your lights and light ’em.

DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - halloween crafts




  • Look online for inspiration for your faces.
  • Once your candles are lit, you should not notice the marker strokes. If you would still like to minimize this, color in small circular motions.

jack o lantern 3



  • If you have young children helping you color, you may prefer to simply allow them to color the entire jar and make the face yourself after, coloring on top of the orange.
  • Light your candles before putting them in and blow them out. By blackening the wicks, it will be easier to light once it’s in the jar.

DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - halloween crafts



I tested these out, allowing the candles to light for a few hours, and the jars handled the heat very well. They give off an orange glow which makes things soooo spooooky!

DIY Jack o lantern tea light holders for halloween - halloween crafts


You can, of course use this technique for other party themes as well! Enjoy! Don’t forget to post to my facebook page if you’ve tried it!



Will you be making these DIY Jack O Lantern tea light holders? How do you re-use baby food jars?

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  1. What a great idea, and so much neater then carving a pumpkin. Thank you so much for sharing at the Friday Frenzy party, hope to see you again soon! 🙂

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