Looking for some simple pregnancy tips to make pregnancy more comfortable? Read these practical solutions for everyday problems that expecting moms experience.

5 Tips for a more comfortable pregnancy

Pregnancy is a blessing that can come with lots of discomfort. Read these practical tips for a more comfortable pregnancy so that it’s as great a time as it can be.


Looking for some simple pregnancy tips to make pregnancy more comfortable? Read these practical solutions for everyday problems that expecting moms experience.


When I first became pregnant, my mom gave me the book “What to Expect When You’re Expecting“.

It’s the book the doctor gave her, that she used as a reference for some of her children.

It’s the long-running book on the New York Times Bestseller list, and for good reason! The advice inside are practical, middle-of-the-road, and very easy to skim. Pregnant women have many questions, with new ones arising each time around. This book had all the information I needed throughout my pregnancy, and I used it as my “bible”.


Looking for some simple pregnancy tips to make pregnancy more comfortable? Read these practical solutions for everyday problems that expecting moms experience.


I decided to share my favorite tips for a more comfortable pregnancy, mostly derived from the book, and many reinforced by my own experiences.



5 Tips for a more comfortable pregnancy:



1. If you’re feeling so nauseous and sick that you can’t function, or if you are afraid of the labor pains, consider complementary and alternative medicine, such as Acupressure to help you through. Make sure you go to someone who is an expert and knowledgeable in obstetrics and to discuss it with your OB-GYN in advance to make sure you’re getting it in a way that’s safe for your baby.


2. If you’re feeling like pregnancy is taking a toll on your skin, and you’re experiencing more breakouts than usual, it may be time to change your skin-care routine! Here’s the regimen recommended in the book “What to Expect When you’re Expecting” that I followed as well:  Wash twice daily with a gentle cleanser. Moisturize using an oil-free moisturizer each time you wash. Look for “non-comedogenic” products. Drink well and choose a diet that is good for  your skin.


3. If heartburn is ruining your day, there are small things you can do to help! This is the pregnancy symptom I felt the strongest. Some tips include: noticing what triggers your heartburn, eating small and frequent meals, eating them SLOWLY, and relax. Also, drink between meals rather than during meals, wear loose clothing, and pop some Tums.


Looking for some simple pregnancy tips to make pregnancy more comfortable? Read these practical solutions for everyday problems that expecting moms experience.


These simple tips, along with some more advice from the book really carried me through it. I personally also found that lying down on my left side helped a lot.


4. If you find yourself worrying about everything, have a great resource to refer to! For me, it was “What to Expect When you’re Expecting“. The worries of motherhood start early, and this book has an easy-to-use index to help you find the solution to every problem. I also read it cover-to-cover a number of times while I was pregnant with M, just for the information.

I love knowing that I have a book that is recommended by doctors to refer to, and it’s reassured me many times.


Looking for some simple pregnancy tips to make pregnancy more comfortable? Read these practical solutions for everyday problems that expecting moms experience.


5. If you need the bathroom every five minutes, you’re just like every other pregnant woman! I know that’s not too encouraging, but don’t cut back on your water intake, as your body needs it. And, go as soon as you need to.

We made sure to take local trips during that time, and went to places with decent facilities. It really doesn’t need to slow you down!


And it doesn’t just stop at having a more comfortable pregnancy.


The book is full of information on what you can, can’t, and should eat, how you can exercise, what stages your fetus is developing at, and more. It literally answers all of your questions, and is full of answers to questions asked by fellow moms.


The What to Expect series continues on with “What to Expect the First Year“, which I’ve read multiple times as well. It kept me informed, and made my pediatrician visits much more productive. I knew what was expected at each age, and therefore knew what to ask the doctor, how to approach it, and even how to deal with the most common minor illnesses on my own.


Now, I am working my way through “What to Expect the Second Year“. It is guiding me with the milestones at the beginning of toddlerhood – ones that you didn’t even know existed. I learned to applaud my child when he first pointed to his nose and belly on his own, when he first took off his shirt, when he first completed an action I told him to. It really takes the guesswork out of so many aspects of parenting this challenging time.


Looking for some simple pregnancy tips to make pregnancy more comfortable? Read these practical solutions for everyday problems that expecting moms experience.


The What to Expect series is a must-have for every expectant and new mom. I know I am a better mom because of it, as it took out so much of the guesswork! Plus, I had a more comfortable pregnancy because of it – and even recognized the signs of labor because of the What to Expect When You’re Expecting book. (Did you know that when your water breaks it does NOT necessarily come out in a gush? Sometimes it’s a trickle, as it was by me. I would have though of it as pregnancy-related incontinence but recognized it as the sign that my waters broke thanks to this amazing book!)


It’s no surprise that What to Expect When You’re Expecting has had over six hundred record-breaking weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list. It is timeless, and trusted by moms and doctors for many years. Learn more or purchase the books here. 


What are your tips and tricks for a more comfortable pregnancy? Did your mom, midwife, or doctor also give you this book to read?



I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. Great tips! I really need to work on number 3, but I always find myself eating way too fast with a toddler around. I read what to expect during my first pregnancy and it was very helpful. I also loved reading the app and finding my birth month group.

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