Hilarious comics on motherhood in the first year

Motherhood Comics that accurately depict being a new mom

These motherhood comics will make you laugh about that first year…. Being a new mom isn’t easy – that’s for sure!

But when we sit it out with each other, we can really go further! Mom Allison has been creating comics that accurately depict that time so that we can laugh, cry, and grab a cuppa coffee together. She has compiled them in a fun book that she sent me, and I think you may just enjoy.


Hilarious comics on motherhood in the first year


She has allowed me to share a few of them with you here:


1. New moms are basically superheroes:


Hilarious comics on motherhood in the first year

We really are – don’t ever forget that! Even on your low days, just look at the human you have made and are nurturing and keep at it!



2. Nicknames:

Hilarious comics on motherhood in the first year

If you go back to old posts on Moms & Crafters, you’ll see that I referred to M as Shmunchkin. Awkward. Some of the names in between are downright embarrassing. Now it’s mostly “sweets” – an abbreviation of “sweetheart”. As parents, nicknames are one thing we definitely nail every time!



3. Vitamin D:

Hilarious comics on motherhood in the first year

I’m a huge believer in vitamin D. Vitamin Dirt, that is. How else will my babies build up immunity to all the evil GERMS out there?! On a more serious note, that’s probably one battle that moms worldwide have given up on before we even tried. You’ve got to pick and choose….



4. Mommy needs a break:

Hilarious comics on motherhood in the first year


When your littles are finally down for the day, you have the dilemma… to break or to take care of the bazillion things you neglected while taking care of the kids? The break is always the answer, mama. You deserve it. The dishes will wait for tomorrow – or the next day. If you drop enough hints, maybe the laundry will even fold itself. But if you don’t take that break, no one will make sure you get it. And you need it for your health and for your sanity.



If you enjoyed these fun motherhood comics check out the entire collection of the first year! You’ll be inspired, humored, and laugh about these funny first moments.


 Hilarious comics on motherhood in the first year


But most of all, you’ll discover how many things are NORMAL!



I hope you enjoyed these motherhood comics! What’s one crazy motherhood moment that you need to just laugh about? Comment below.


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