Make this easy no sew Winnie the Pooh costume for baby, toddler, kids, or adults! It's a great easy costume idea for Halloween or pretend play!


 This DIY Winnie the Pooh inspired costume is so easy and simple to make – it’s practically dummy proof! I made it for my husband and myself to match with my infant’s store bought costume, however it can definitely be made for any age group. These are easy costumes with normal clothes that take minutes to make.


Make this easy no sew Winnie the Pooh costume for baby, toddler, kids, or adults! It's a great easy costume idea for Halloween or pretend play!


I bought a costume for my son post-Halloween when things are on clearance. I paid $8 for an adorable Winnie the Pooh plush costume (the kind that normally costs $30.) 


Since we dress up on Purim, not Halloween, this worked out well. Purim normally falls out in March, we only had to guess-timate sizes for a few months ahead of time. For bigger kids, though, you can definitely buy post-Halloween for the next year. 


Anyway, I decided to match up myself and my husband so that we can all march around proudly together. The result was totally adorable! 


Make this easy no sew Winnie the Pooh costume for baby, toddler, kids, or adults! It's a great easy costume idea for Halloween or pretend play!


I basically just made a red tee to mimic Pooh’s. I made ears using paint chips and a simple headband. If you want you can go all the way with yellow clothing worn underneath, but it’s really not necessary. The costume was totally cute without (as you can see for yourself).


Make this easy no sew Winnie the Pooh costume for baby, toddler, kids, or adults! It's a great easy costume idea for Halloween or pretend play!



(Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links).


If you do buy something to wear underneath, buy something that you’ll wear again not as part of the costume. This is what my baby  had, and while that’s adorable, we now have no use for it. Even if you spend the same for a yellow romper, at least your baby can still wear it afterward. And the tees can be used as pajamas as well.





Step 1: For the shirts, I first printed out a template using this font. (You don’t need to do this step – you can just make the words yourself)  I made it about the width of a letter (A4) size paper, printed the word “pooh”, and cut it out.


Step 2: I taped it with folded pieces of scotch tape to the shirt, and outlined with puff paint. I pulled off the letters and filled it in.

Make this easy no sew Winnie the Pooh costume for baby, toddler, kids, or adults! It's a great easy costume idea for Halloween or pretend play!


Step 3: For the headbands, I traced the ear from the baby costume onto the back of the paint chip (for the arch section of the ear). For the bottom part of the ear, I traced the headband.

Make this easy no sew Winnie the Pooh costume for baby, toddler, kids, or adults! It's a great easy costume idea for Halloween or pretend play!


Step 4: I cut it out and taped it to the headband.

Make this easy no sew Winnie the Pooh costume for baby, toddler, kids, or adults! It's a great easy costume idea for Halloween or pretend play!


Here is how the headbands look:

Make this easy no sew Winnie the Pooh costume for baby, toddler, kids, or adults! It's a great easy costume idea for Halloween or pretend play!


That is all! You have an adorable no sew DIY Winnie the Pooh costume to wear! It was adorable, walking around with the entire family dressed up as Pooh. 


Make this easy no sew Winnie the Pooh costume for baby, toddler, kids, or adults! It's a great easy costume idea for Halloween or pretend play!



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    1. I covered those with cellophane – without a lid. You could see through to the items inside (sorry, I didn’t take pictures of those 🙁 )those were harder to put together, although the cans were easier to come by (we use lots of tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes in our house).

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