Origami Mushroom – Toadstool Craft
Make an adorable origami mushroom from scratch for a super fun fall craft for kids! If you love this, try making an origami crab too! This post contains affiliate links.

While mushrooms grow throughout spring, summer, and fall, toadstools generally appear in the autumn, making them a super fun craft for fall!
The colors might look bright and fun but don’t try eating them! They might look pretty but they are poisonous. Still, an origami mushroom is a safe bet for celebrating fall (just don’t eat those either…)

This toadstool origami mushroom is finished off with red paper and white dots. However, you can also paint or color it to finish it, if you prefer to keep things simple.
You can make these into other mushrooms as well! Use cream paper and then finish it off with brown crepe paper under the dome and a brown paper dome to make cremini mushrooms… you get my drift. But toadstools are just so pretty which is why I chose those to share.

This origami project is somewhat beginner friendly, though I don’t recommend it for an absolute beginner. I tried to be as clear as possible in outlining the steps. If you have any questions, do comment below and I’ll try to help you out.

What you need
- Origami or copy paper in white and red
- Pencil โ optional
- Scissors
- Craft glue
- Optional: a bone folder to help you get better creases.
How to make an origami mushroom
1. Start with a piece of white paper for the origami mushroom craft. If you’re using copy paper, cut it into a square.

2. Fold the bottom left corner up to the top right to create a diagonal crease. Unfold it.

3. Fold the top right and bottom left corners to meet the diagonal fold. Make sure that the side aligns with the crease. It should look like a kite.

4. Flip your paper over to the other side.

5. Fold the triangle flap.

6. Flip it over again.

7. Take your long triangle. Fold it over about 1/6 of the way from the end.

8. Fold down the top right corner of your larger triangle so that it meets the edge.

9. Repeat on the other side.

10. Carefully open the fold, but keep the part on the short fold intact.

11. Align the fold that was formed on the longer triangle with the center crease. Crease it down.

12. Repeat with the other side of the triangle to match the first side.

13. You can now see your mushroom begin to form. The longer, skinny diamond is the stem and the wider part is the cap.

14. Fold the bottom sharp tip of your skinny diamond about halfway up.

15. Fold the two corners of the wide part in a bit to “round off” that edge.

16. Finally, fold the top corner of the wide part down to flatten it to form a cap.

17. Flip the pattern to the right side. Trace the cap portion onto red paper and cut out. Cut out some white spots. You an also color the top if you prefer.

18. Glue the spots on the colored cap and then glue the cap onto the cap of your origami mushrooms.

Your origami mushroom is complete! Ready for the next project? Learn how to make a fast paper airplane or how to make origami fish!