Get this FREE printable coloring page for adults - it's a quirky and unique owl coloring page! "The night owl's dirty little secret" is that cup of coffee he's holding.. This colouring page for grown-ups blends two of my favorite thems: owls and coffee adult coloring pages! At the bottom you'll find links for 4 more free adult coloring pages.

Free Printable Night Owl Coloring Page for Adults

When the coloring tribe presented to me a new theme: owls, I decided to blend it with my favorite theme of all time: coffee coloring pages! That was the inspiration behind this owl coloring page for adults.


Get this FREE printable coloring page for adults - it's a quirky and unique owl coloring page! "The night owl's dirty little secret" is that cup of coffee he's holding.. This colouring page for grown-ups blends two of my favorite thems: owls and coffee adult coloring pages! At the bottom you'll find links for 4 more free adult coloring pages.


The night owl’s dirty little secret:

Do you ever wonder how the night owl does it? I’m not necessarily talking about the birds…

I mean those moms who actually have energy left over at the end of the day to wash dishes, sweep the floor, and all those little slightly important things. Pst – it’s COFFEE! I mean, I’ll bet they drink coffee, right?!


Get this FREE printable coloring page for adults - it's a quirky and unique owl coloring page! "The night owl's dirty little secret" is that cup of coffee he's holding.. This colouring page for grown-ups blends two of my favorite thems: owls and coffee adult coloring pages! At the bottom you'll find links for 4 more free adult coloring pages.


Okay, who am I kidding? That’s my secret to functioning in the morning. And in the afternoon. In the night, if I drink coffee, I’ll become more of a night owl than I intend to be.

Anyway, I like to draw food and drinks so decided if I’m challenged to draw an owl coloring page, why not add a little cup o’ joe to the mix? (Pst – I recently published my color-in recipe journal in PDF and print versions – that’s how much I love food! My tummy will be evidence to that.)


Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.

Get this FREE printable coloring page for adults - it's a quirky and unique owl coloring page! "The night owl's dirty little secret" is that cup of coffee he's holding.. This colouring page for grown-ups blends two of my favorite thems: owls and coffee adult coloring pages! At the bottom you'll find links for 4 more free adult coloring pages.


Scroll down for tips on coloring this page – and how I did it so far. Yes, I know, I didn’t finish it yet. I’m bad at finishing things. So far the only coloring pages I’ve finished coloring are my free sunflower page and the Fairy HQ page. Meanwhile…

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Get this FREE printable coloring page for adults - it's a quirky and unique owl coloring page! "The night owl's dirty little secret" is that cup of coffee he's holding.. This colouring page for grown-ups blends two of my favorite thems: owls and coffee adult coloring pages! At the bottom you'll find links for 4 more free adult coloring pages.


To color this owl coloring page for adults I used Prismacolor Premier colored pencils from the 24 pack, plus my cream colored Premier pencil that I got separately, and a colorless blender.

I wanted some of the color elements to repeat themselves throughout, so I used the base that the night owl is sitting on to bring in the colors of the branches and the sun. The leaves repeat themselves in the eyes. I still haven’t decided what to do with the owl itself.


Get this FREE printable coloring page for adults - it's a quirky and unique owl coloring page! "The night owl's dirty little secret" is that cup of coffee he's holding.. This colouring page for grown-ups blends two of my favorite thems: owls and coffee adult coloring pages! At the bottom you'll find links for 4 more free adult coloring pages.


I used the cream colored pencil to make the moon glow and be slightly less fiery than I would have colored a sun.

And I used the colorless blender to help me blend the mug without adding anymore color, so that it can stay pale in comparison to the rest of the drawing. The highlights on the mug are simply white space that I outlined before adding darker color around it.


Get this FREE printable coloring page for adults - it's a quirky and unique owl coloring page! "The night owl's dirty little secret" is that cup of coffee he's holding.. This colouring page for grown-ups blends two of my favorite thems: owls and coffee adult coloring pages! At the bottom you'll find links for 4 more free adult coloring pages.


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Want more coffee themed coloring pages for adults? Check out the coffee coloring packet on Etsy or on Gumroad.


More Owl coloring pages from the Coloring Tribe:



Make sure you follow along so you donโ€™t miss the following monthโ€™s pages! You can find past monthsโ€™ pages here.


I hope you enjoy this free printable owl coloring page for adults! Which themes would you like to see the coloring tribe do next year? Comment below!



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