Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.

Peacock Craft – Pop Up Paper Peacock with Free Printable Feathers

Print some feathers, color, and create this beautiful pop-up peacock craft! You can use these free printable peacock feathers to make the elaborate pop-up card that I did, or turn it into table decor, a hanging rosette, a paper fan, or anything you want. Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.



Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.



If I’m being honest with you, I had a vision for this peacock craft, and it didn’t quite come out how I thought it would, but I do like how it came out regardless.


Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


Since there are LOTS of feathers to color for those of you who don’t  want a long, in-depth project, this makes a great collaborative effort. Looking for something simpler? These hot air balloons might be a better bet for you!

I used these markers and loved the rich colors that made all the difference in getting the right look!


Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


I turned it into a jumbo pop-up card, perfect for a sweet and short message.  You can print it on card stock (I just used paper) to make it more stiff and firm, and then turn it into a fan or rosette wall hanging.


Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


Since you’re starting with a base of individual peacock feathers, you can really do anything with them! You don’t need to fan them out like I did. You can just arrange them flat and glue them straight onto paper, behind your peacock body.

The way I did it, it has a dramatic pop-up effect when the fan opens that is just so beautiful…


Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


It’s not perfect, but you can see it close-up, how beautiful the traditional peacock colors are – the rich blue and emerald green that remind you of that majestic bird.

But if you want to get more creative, try new looks and use your imagination! Turn it into a rainbow of peacock feathers, color-in an albino peacock, or  just pretend they’re flowers and place a few on branches, with touches of glitter to liven things up.


Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


I confess: I did not  have the time to color each of these in, so a few feathers were hand-colored, and I photocopied some so that I should have enough. If you don’t have the time to color them all in, but you want to make this pop-up peacock craft, you can do just that!



What you need to make a pop-up peacock craft:


  • The template.  Print it on paper or cardstock, depending on how stiff you want it.

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How to make the pop-up peacock craft:


Watch the video below if you want to see this craft in action! Or, scroll down for step by step photo instructions. I really recommend that you do watch the video for this one, as it was kind of hard to explain, but it’s really quite simple to create.





1. Color in your feathers. I used 12 feathers for my card – I may have been able to get away with only 10.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.



You can follow my color scheme below, or look up photos of peacocks and try out your own pattern.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


If you plan to use it, color in the body as well.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.



2. Cut out your feathers. You’ll see that they are not all the same – the slight upward peak is on the right on some and the left on others. Make sure that they are divided accordingly.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.



3. Place your first feather colored side down, and add some glue to the right edge.


Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


4. Place a mirrored image (the opposite direction) feather colored-side up on top so that they stack exactly. Press along the glued edge. Place a new line of glue down the left edge. Stack a mirrored image feather on top, colored side down, repeating the above cycle until you finish the feathers you plan to use.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


5. You should now have a stack like this. Allow it to dry completely.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.



6. To create the pop up card that I did, fold down the bottom of your peacock body and glue it to the center of a sheet of 12×12 scrapbook paper.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


7. Add a line of glue to either side of it.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.



8. Glue down one long edge of your peacock stack on one side of your peacock body. Then gently open it, nudging areas that might be accidentally glued together open gently. You’ll see the beautiful fan effect! Glue the last side down on your other side of your peacock body.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.



9. Fold your scrapbook paper in half. Gently nudge the peacock body and fold it in between the feathers so that it folds in nicely when you’ll fold your card in half. Glue it in place if you need to.

With your card folded, glue another piece of scrapbook paper back-to-back with the first, to make the outside of your pop-up card pretty. Trim it to the size that you want your card to be. Don’t worry if you need to trim your feathers a little – it will still look great!

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.


This peacock craft is so beautiful that it doesn’t really matter if you did it neatly and perfectly or not.

Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.



It’s a clever way to surprise someone you love, to decorate, or to make just for fun!


Make a pop up peacock craft! These free printable color-in peacock feathers can be used in any peacock paper craft, but you'll love the pop-up card I made with it. It's a perfect papercraft for kids or adults to create.



What will you be doing with this free printable peacock craft? Comment below!


If you still haven’t downloaded it, you can do so right below:

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  1. AMAZING! SO GLAD I found your site. Love all the creative stuff you do and SO GLAD you are sharing your talents and inventions.
    Yes, I feel you INVENTED this peacock fan. I will be sharing it with my peacock-loving Mother for her 92nd birthday this month!

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