Perler Bead Rings
These DIY Perler bead rings are the perfect accessory or gift! You can also try the Perler bead necklaces if you enjoy these! This post contains affiliate links.

This is the last project in our Perler bead jewelry series (for now, anyway – we may yet revisit this amazing theme in the future!) and will nicely round out your coordinating collections – though of course, it can also stand on its own.
You’ll find these rings easy to make now that you’re familiar with the basic Perler bead jewelry techniques from the previous posts, but I decided to feature them in their own post to let them shine.

Here are two ways to make rings using Perler beads. You can quickly and easily make small designs and simply glue them to a ring (similar to the Perler bead earrings – the stud style), or you can make a ring out of beads similar to how we made Perler bead bracelets last time.
You’ll use two parts of the Perler bead template for this project, and I’ll share a few ways you can use them.
- You can make the simple line of beads for a plain ring band
- You can make small designs (the same ones you used for drop earrings) to glue onto either the bead ring or a plain ring of your choice
- You can combine the design with the ring band by placing a short row of beads on either side of the design.

These rings can be sized to fit any finger. You can either use an adjustable metal band as a backing, or you can change the amount of beads in the ring according to the size of the wearer.
What you need to make Perler bead rings
- Fuse bead pegboard (preferably 29×29, but other sizes can work)
- Fuse beads, assorted colors
- Fuse bead paper or parchment paper
- Iron (I have this mini one that I dedicated to crafting)
- Perler bead jewelry template (download and print at the end of the post – if you’ve already downloaded it on our previous earrings, bracelet, and necklace posts, you don’t need to download it again)
- Round item around the size of the finger (for example, a thick marker, or for more proper sizing, a ring mandrel)
- Optional: Metal ring band
- Optional: E6000 glue
Optional: tweezers
How to make perler bead rings
1. Print the template. If you’re using a clear (see-through) peg board, you can place it directly onto the template if you make sure to print it at 100% scale. Look at the designs on the template and choose which one – or more than one – you want to start with. The template includes designs for different types of jewelry – the rings are the short lines, and you can use the small shapes to decorate them.
2. Using the dots on the template as a guide, copy the design by placing beads onto the peg board. You can copy by matching the pattern, or you can lay your clear tray on top of the pattern sheet and place the beads directly on top of each colored dot as shown.

3. When all the beads are laid out, carefully cover them with a piece of fuse bead or parchment paper. It is helpful to cut the paper down to a size just a little larger than the peg board.
Preheat the iron to a medium setting, or the level indicated by the instructions on your bead package.
4. Place the iron carefully on top of the paper. Apply very gentle pressure while moving it in small circles to heat the entire project evenly. Do this for 30 seconds OR as indicated by the instructions on your bead package.

5. Gently lift a corner of the paper. Observe if the tops of the beads have become stuck together. If they seem loose, put down the paper and repeat the ironing for another 10 seconds, and check again.
When the tops of the beads are stuck together and smoothed out (you should barely see the holes in the beads, if at all), turn the project upside down and carefully lift off the peg board.
6. Cover the exposed side of the pattern with another sheet of the paper. Iron it a little less than the first side, just enough to make the beads stick together.
7. While the band is still warm, wrap it around a round object to give it the ring shape. You’ll want to use an object that’s slightly smaller than the size you want the ring to be, because the shape may loosen up. Hold it in place for a couple of minutes while it sets, checking to see whether it is ready to hold the shape on its own. Once the shape is set, slide it off of the shaper.

8. If desired, use a glue gun to attach a decoration to your bead ring or a plain ring of your choice.

Download the Perler Bead Jewelry Template
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Thank you so much, Menucha, for sharing all these amazing craft ideas over the years! I’m excited to try making these Perler bead rings with my niece this weekend. A different angle I’d consider is experimenting with different color themes to match each person’s personality—how fun would that be? Maybe even like a birthstone type a thing? Hope to see more good content soon! xoxo