Don't forget these things from your pregnancy checklist! You probably remembered the name research and the baby registries and the name research, but you won't want to forget these essentials. | Pregnancy tips

Pregnancy Checklist: 8 things you probably forgot

Welcoming a new baby to the world hardly brings with it idleness. Moms have to-do lists a mile long, and pregnancy checklists with all the basics you might not think of. But, there are a few things that are easy to forget or leave off your pregnancy checklist.


Don't forget these things from your pregnancy checklist! You probably remembered the name research and the baby registries and the name research, but you won't want to forget these essentials. | Pregnancy tips


The nine months (or eight – by the time you knew about it) leading up to a baby’s birth are usually filled with baby shower plans, registries, name lists, prenatal visits, and possibly even some research into parenting, especially if this is your first baby (or even your second.)

I remember, when M was born, how little I knew, and how much I thought I knew. There were so many things that I had only passed by while pregnant, and gave little thought to. But, when he came to this world, and opened his precious little eyes, I realized how much I had missed.


Don't forget these things from your pregnancy checklist! You probably remembered the name research and the baby registries and the name research, but you won't want to forget these essentials. | Pregnancy tips


I think that when a woman is pregnant, she wants to do the best for her child, from a logical, good-will perspective. But, once she meets that little angel of hers (yup, the angel that will soon take over her life), it turns into an irrational, purely emotional crazed love. For me, this was especially true due to the raging hormones, and the fact that we had waited some time for our little one. 


That’s why I put together this checklist, so that the next time around, I can approach these decisions while my mind is still settled. It’s also a great way to make the best of the waiting that comes during pregnancy. 



8 Pregnancy Checklist items you probably forgot: 


1. Cord blood banking – cord blood banking is a possibly life-saving option that does need to be planned in advance. The blood in your newborn’s umbilical cord has a unique and amazing power. As of now, it can be used in the treatment of nearly eighty diseases, including cancers, immune disorders, and many genetic diseases.  Cord blood banking simply means collecting and storing that powerful blood for possible later use.

Cord blood has been proven in treatment to help replace damaged blood cells and strengthen the immune system. It is becoming a more popular option, as awareness grows, with cord blood being used in 22% of transplants (as opposed to 1% just over ten years ago). Over 30,000 transplants have been performed worldwide using cord blood stem cells, and over 350,000 families have banked with ViaCord. More than 300 children have used their ViaCord banked cord blood stem cells in a medical treatment and clinical trials.

Umbilical cord blood collection is a very simple process that will not interrupt your birth process or plan. It’s possible even with delayed cord clamping or a c-section – just plan in advance!

Look into cord blood banking as an investment into your child’s health and future. 

Don't forget these things from your pregnancy checklist! You probably remembered the name research and the baby registries and the name research, but you won't want to forget these essentials. | Pregnancy tips


2. Child care arrangements – if you’ll be returning to work after six weeks, you might want to research child care in advance, especially if you’ll be sending your child to a day care center.

Give yourself time to do proper research, so that you can choose the right place – both with a clear mind, and without the pressure.


3. Health insurance for baby – Especially if this is your first child, make sure that your baby will be covered too. Look into plans before your child is born, again, with presence of  mind and no pressure.


4. Discuss parenting visions and ideals with your significant other – While I read books, did online research, and had strong opinions, my husband “winged it”. It is definitely worth discussing your ideals in advance, finding balance, so that you can raise your child without controversy and confusion.

Don't forget these things from your pregnancy checklist! You probably remembered the name research and the baby registries and the name research, but you won't want to forget these essentials. | Pregnancy tips


On this note, it might be worth discussing expectations as far as how much help will be expected on his part (such as, nightly feedings, meal preparation.)


5. Research breastfeeding (if you plan to do it)- Breastfeeding can be a battle. Come armed. 

While I was convinced that I would exclusively breastfeed, I was NOT prepared for the challenges that ensued. Do your research in advance so that you can know what to expect, and how to combat those issues. Read tips from other moms who have struggled, so that you’ll know what to do if the challenges start while you’re still in the hospital. 


6. Pre-wash and sterilize baby clothing and bottles – you’ll want to get rid of the germs that came along the way, before you’re in recovery from your child birth! This was something that I did obsessively – it was my way of nesting. I even ironed those tiny bodysuits! It was great to be welll-prepared when M was born.

Don't forget these things from your pregnancy checklist! You probably remembered the name research and the baby registries and the name research, but you won't want to forget these essentials. | Pregnancy tips


7. Install your car seat – My ignorance was embarrassing. I knew NOTHING about car seat safety. Eventually, I learned (after this accident).

Go to a local car seat technician or someone in the know (our local fire department does this) to help you get a safe install. That way, you can ensure proper car safety from the first ride home! Of course, learn how to strap your little one in safely as well. 


8. Take some time for yourself – You’re doing an amazing thing mama! And soon, you will be devoting nearly every waking hour to your little one. Treat yourself! Binge watch your favorite show. Go on a romantic date – or even a baby-moon. Go get a manicure, have coffee with friends, or just take a long, long nap. 

You deserve it!


Don't forget these things from your pregnancy checklist! You probably remembered the name research and the baby registries and the name research, but you won't want to forget these essentials. | Pregnancy tips

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 Do you have any questions about cord blood banking via ViaCord? What else would you add to your pregnancy checklist, that most people miss? Comment below!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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