Preserve Your Favorite Recipes with the Color-in Recipe Journal
Wow! So what does one say when a long, long journey, many hours of hard work, and lots of sweat and tears comes to something physical? For me this was a labor of love, for you this is a new way to preserve your favorite recipes – and to complete my job.
When a coloring book artist creates line art that is intended to be colored by someone else, it takes a long time to get it just right. We need to use our imaginations to recreate mentally what someone else might want to do with it, what is best to add in, and what is best left out. Sometimes we’ll even decide to ditch a page and leave it out of the book, replacing it with a new creation made from scratch.
Even when it’s ready to publish, proofs are ordered, corrections made, more proofs ordered.
So when the book is finally approved, and I hold my copy in my hand, I taste victory.
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A new way to preserve your favorite recipes:
A while ago, a subscriber suggested that I create a recipe book that can be colored in. I thought it would be cooler to have a journal where you can fill in your own recipes.
I hit a problem: Everyone has different needs. So I decided to create a digital book that can be printed as needed. But I also wanted to have a print version, ready and bound, that follows more of a journal format than a binder. So I decided to work it out.
I ended up placing ten recipe card pages in each recipe type section, and five in the less popular section. Each page has space for two recipes. The recipe card designs repeat about five times (see more page count information below) so that you can play around with it. This way, I was able to keep the price affordable while offering plenty of space to add recipes.
Most of the recipe card designs are open-ended enough to play around with – you’ll enjoy coloring them multiple times.
You’re going to end up with a beautiful recipe journal to preserve your favorite recipes, that will be a keepsake your children will enjoy after you.
Features of the color-in recipe journal:
Some important numbers:
- 25 unique page designs to color including:
- 15 unique recipe card styles (repeated a few times to give you enough space between categories.)
- 9 unique category/divider pages that are fun to color even if you don’t plan to journal.
- 1 cover design repeated inside the book as well so that you can color it in.
- 92 total color-able pages.
- 164 total recipe card slots
- 2 recipes on a page.
- 100% hand-drawn by me and vectorized for sharpness.
More cool features:
- Divider/category pages have blank backs to avoid bleeding (so you can use wet media such as markers).
- Recipe card pages are back-to-back to give you more space (color with dry media such as pencils)
- Extra page(s) at the back can be pulled out to use between pages when using wet media.
- Beautiful, glossy cover.
- Space to fill in your own bio right below mine so that you can truly present this as collaborative work!
- Page size: 8.5×11 inches (letter size.)
You can see a full walk-through of the book below:

Some more cool ways to use this to preserve your favorite recipes:
You don’t need to just use it as is! Here are some fun ideas:
- Pass it around at a bridal shower for guests to fill in and (optional) color recipes for the bride.
- Gut it, remove the pages, and add it to a binder on your own.
- Color in the cover as well using permanent markers! I purposely left the line art intact so that you can do this.
- Color in the divider pages, remove them from the book, frame them and make a gallery wall in your kitchen!
- Color in the divider pages and a recipe card for each divider. Create a bulletin board/gallery with the titles of your recipe for easy menu planning.
I truly hope you enjoy this new way to preserve your favorite recipes and give it a try!
Get the color-in recipe journal:
Print version: Amazon | Createspace
Digital version: Learn more | Gumroad | Etsy