This super easy mom hack is simply brilliant! It can save a life and is possibly one of the best parenting tips I've seen - especially in the summer!

Prevent Forgetting Babies in the car with this genius hack!

“Did you remember to drop M off?”

Those are the words I ask my husband roughly ten minutes after he leaves the house with my toddler in tow. My husband who is NOT the one suffering from mommy-brain. My husband who is meticulous and responsible. My husband who loves his children more than life itself.

Because it can happen to anyone.


This super easy mom hack is simply brilliant! It can save a life and is possibly one of the best parenting tips I've seen - especially in the summer!


Well, it’s a lot less likely to happen to you if you understand that it can happen to smart, loving, responsible parents.

Because you’ll take measures to prevent it.

Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.


The other day, I saw a brilliant hack, to help prevent forgetting babies in the car, that costs a few dollars. Here is the original source for this hack, but I wanted to spread the word, as it can hopefully save a life. The original video is in Hebrew and I wanted to share it in a more universal language for the world to see.


All you need is a large carabiner and a coil key chain. Both can be purchased for about $10.

This super easy mom hack is simply brilliant! It can save a life and is possibly one of the best parenting tips I've seen - especially in the summer!


How to prevent forgetting babies in the car using a carabiner:


You need:

  1. A carabiner or some sort of hook large enough to fit on a baby seat. Find a part of your toddler seat you can attach it to as well.
  2. A key chain with a coil that connects to a clasp. Make sure it’s long enough before you buy it (I got one that’s too short by mistake and had to replace it.)


The hack:

  • Attach the key ring to your car keys.This super easy mom hack is simply brilliant! It can save a life and is possibly one of the best parenting tips I've seen - especially in the summer! Great way to prevent forgetting babies in the car that just costs a few dollars.
  • Attach the carabiner to your car seat.
    This super easy mom hack is simply brilliant! It can save a life and is possibly one of the best parenting tips I've seen - especially in the summer!
  • Every time you get into the car, connect the clip on the other end of the coil to the carabiner.
    This super easy mom hack is simply brilliant! It can save a life and is possibly one of the best parenting tips I've seen - especially in the summer!
  • When you turn off the ignition, you are automatically directed to your car seat and reminded that you may have a baby inside.
    This super easy mom hack is simply brilliant! It can save a life and is possibly one of the best parenting tips I've seen - especially in the summer!

The original poster recommends doing this every time you get into the car so that you get into the habit.


Habit forming with hacks like this is extra important, as it’s all about habit. Many (most?) instances of babies forgetten in cars happened with a change of routine, when habits weren’t in place. So forming a habit as natural as looking before you switch lanes or other driving habits can be a literal lifesaver.


Prevent forgetting babies in the car because it can happen to anyone:

I remember hearing a story of a man who forgot his baby in the car – and lost him. He had spoken to a friend a few years before about a mom who had the same situation, and couldn’t understand how it could happen. How could anyone be so irresponsible? And then it happened to him.


When I heard this, I told my husband that I’d even pay a good fee – why is there no solution built in for this? We have anti-crash safety measures, we have all sorts of preventative measures. This happens every year, babies die from being forgotten in hot cars. Maybe a sensor should be put into place? Or some sort of alarm?

This hack is so easy and simple and doesn’t cost much. The second my husband sent me the video, my reaction was “WE NEED TO DO THIS!” (all-caps ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

So why not give it a try? Can it hurt? Because it really and truly can happen to anyone.


Make sure to hit the share buttons to the left to pass on this important message to fellow parents. It can save a life.


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Do you have any other hacks to prevent forgetting babies in the car? Comment below!


Please note: only respectfully worded comments will be tolerated in this community. I respect open discussion, however comments that include hurtful or derogatory language do not contribute to the conversation and are counter-productive. Thank you for understanding.


This super easy mom hack is simply brilliant! It can save a life and is possibly one of the best parenting tips I've seen - especially in the summer!


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  1. I have friends that this happened to. I’m sure before it happened I probably thought the same thing. Now I try to advocate to any and everyone who will listen that it CAN happen to the best of parents and no one is above accidents occurring. The loss of a child is incredibly, incredibly sad. If this saves one life, it’s worth every penny.

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