Printable Countdown Calendar and Progress Tracker – Color-in!
I count down to EVERYTHING – yep, I’m crazy like that (and proud.) I used to make fancy countdowns for every trip, pulling out Photoshop and getting creative. I created this free printable countdown calendar and progress tracker as a fun color-in – color the days as they pass! Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.

So what’s the difference between a printable countdown calendar and a progress tracker? The first counts down from the final number to one. The second counts up – from one to the goal number.
A progress tracker is kind of like a rewards chart for grown-ups. 50 days sugar free. 50 days sticking to your diet. 50 days breaking other bad habits…
I originally made the progress tracker as a tool for counting the Omer (sefirat ha-omer) – something that Jews do between Passover and the next holiday of Shavuot. It’s seven weeks – and I kept the weeks intact so that whatever you use the progress tracker for you can also count the weeks as they go by.

The printable countdown calendar is exactly the same but counts towards the number one, so that you can calculate how man days are left.
So which one do you use? The question is, which number is better in your case – a higher number or a lower? Count toward the better number.
Print your color-in printable countdown calendar and progress tracker below:
Just enter your email and you will get the two files in a zipped folder right to your inbox.
Here’s a preview of what you’ll get (you’ll get the high quality PDF version).

How to use the printable countdown calendar and progress tracker:
As the days go by, simply color in that square. Need less than 50? Start the countdown from whichever number you’d like – just color in until the first you need. So if your big trip is 25 days away, color in until 25 and then do one a day.
For the progress tracker, you can simply calculate it by week – each line is another week!
I decided to create this as an adult coloring page, but you can simplify it for children too – they don’t need to fill in every tiny dot separately! They can just color in the number and the box around it as a unit.
So grab your favorite coloring tools and start counting!
I hope that this printable countdown calendar and progress tracker helps you meet your goals! What are you counting towards?
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These are lovely, unfortunately ~ the link for the download did not work for me. I was hoping to use at my congregation since I teach a class for young girls.
Hope you can help : )
Hi Liz, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I’ll help you figure it out! It could be that you tried to download it after 48 hours? The link does expire then but I’ll gladly make sure you get it!
I just got my download but it won’t open the file. It has a corruption error message
Hi Mathilda, did you try downloading it right away? The link does expire within 48 hours. Or it could be your antivirus software blocking automatic downloads. Either way, email me at [email protected] and I’ll make sure you get your freebie!
requesting color in countdown form
Hi Julie, I apologize, I had a technical issue and my forms weren’t showing yesterday, you should see it now.
Do you have it where I can change numbers on them to go longer than 50?
No, I’m sorry – unless you know how to tweak it yourself in Photoshop or Illustrator. I’d suggest either starting 50 days from your goal or going in multiples of 50. Otherwise I’m sorry this couldn’t help you!
Do you have more than 50 days calendar?
I’m sorry for the delay in response – I do not at the moment.