Simple Flower Friendship Bracelets
Make these simple flower friendship bracelets using basic friendship bracelet makings kills! When you’re done, check out more friendship bracelet patterns for beginners. This post contains affiliate links.

Ah, those “back to basics” friendship braceleets that we spent summers making as kids! And some of us even took those early bracelet making experiences through the school year!
The simpler flower friendship braclets were one of those that we were most proud to make. They look SO incredibly cool, yet the knots are extremely basic. I loved making these! They come together quickly and easily but look like you need some mega skills to create them – which you don’t.

There are two types of “daisy chain” bracelets that you can make. For clarity’s sake, I’ve called the ones I’ve made in this style “simple flower friendship bracelets”. Because the other one has an actual chain link, when I do share that tutorial (I’m working on it!) I’ll call that the Daisy Chain.

The best way to make simple flower friendship bracelets
I never take for granted that the way that I’ve learned to make a bracelet is the best way. I’ve played around a bit with the formation and quantity of the strings.
The classic way to make flower frinedship bracelets is to double the strings you use for the flower petal color to bulk it up. I wanted to bulk up my petals even more and added another set of the background color (the green) that is only used when making the flower petals.

It did bulk up the background a bit as well, but proportionally it made the petals larger.
I also played with how to make the center knot, how many knots to give the flower, and more elments. I like the flower with the orignal number of knots (two on each side, plus a starting and finishing square knot).

The center knot I found comes out best when you simply make a double overhand knot using the two threads. It’s not the easiest way (you need to slide that knot all the way so that it sits in the center) but it’s somewhat forgiving if you tie it too far.
Colors & Measurements for flower friendship bracelets

To make flower friendship bracelets, you’ll need three colors of embroidery floss:
- A background color (here, green) – 2-4 x 24 inch strands (I prefer it with four)
- A center color (here, yellow) – 2 x 12 inch strands
- A petal color (here, white) – 4 x 24 inch strands

A note about lengths: I always cut mine a little long. It’s a fine balance: you want it long enough to have a little extra just in case, but not so long that it gets confusing. I recommended the lengths above based on that.
You can see that I stuck to classic daisy colors, with the background symbolizing the stem and leaves. You can play around and make them in any color! Daisies come in purple too! Or make them to symbolize any flower.

You’ll also need:
- Thread snippers or scissors
- Optional: clipboard, paper tape, or safety pin to secure it as you work
- Optional: Beads – you can string this onto your center thread instead of knotting! Large hole mini pony beads are fabulous for this.
How to make daisy flower friendship bracelets
We’ll work knot by knot! You’ll need to use the following knots:
- Square knot – which we’ll teach in this post. You’ll use a LOT of this
- Overhand knot – this is a simple basic knot as you’ll see. You already know how to make it – you just may not have called it that.
- Forward/Backward knot
- Backward/forward knot
The last two are necessary for any bracelet tutorial. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’ll want to go back to basics and learn how to make a friendship bracelet.
You can also watch the YouTube video here if you prefer!
How to Make a Square Knot
The square knot is a groundwork knot for making these types of flower friendship bracelets – you’ll be making LOTS of them.
In case you’re not sure how to make a square knot: here’s how it goes:
1. Start by tying together all your threads. Pull your two background colors to each side. If you’re using four background color threads, just pull out one on each side.
Take the left one, place it behind the center threads, forming a loop on the left. Then place it over the right thread.

2. Now take the right thread from behind the left one, and place it over your center threads. Loop it through the left thread loop so that it sits behind the left thread.

3. PUl tight. This is half of your square knot. To complete it, you’ll need to repeat this process in the reverse.

4. Take the (new) right thread and place it behind the center threads, forming a loop on the right, and over the left thread. Take the (new) left thread and place it over the center threads and through the loop you formed on the right.

Pull that knot tight. That is a complete square knot.
It’s important to reverse directions each time. Otherwise, your knot will twist. A good hint for where you’re up to: you’ll always start with the thread that is sticking out toward the front of your friendship bracelet.

You’ll start making your flower friendship bracelets with 6-10 square knots – however many you’d like – that’ll serve as your background. Again, that means 6-10 of each direction so each knot is really a double knot.
How to knot the flowers
In this tutorial, you’ll see that any time you need a new color set up, you just have to “force” arrange it. The colors aren’t just right where you need it.
To start your flowers, pull both of your petal colors to each side of your bracelet – that is, two on each side.
1. Start with a square knot, which you’re a pro at by now!

2. Work on the right side of your flower friendship bracelets. Knot the petal color around the background color. If you put two sets of background color threads,(four total) you’ll knot around both of them – two on the right and two on the left.

3. You’re making a backward forward knot with the petal color around the background color.

Repeat to make two backward forward knots.

4. Now work on the left of your bracelet and repeat in the opposite direction, making two forward/backward knots.

5. You have two center color threads sticking out in the middle.

Make a simple overhand knot, making sure to move it all the way up to sit between your two petal colors.

Repeat to make a double knot.

6. Finish off your flower by making another square knot with the white threads around all the others.

7. You’ll complete your bracelet by alternating background square knots with flowers, until you’re happy with the length.

I hope you loved learning how to make simple flower friendship bracelets! What’s your favorite friendship bracelet pattern? Comment below! Then check out some of my favorites that I’ve shared in the past, including the 3D zig zag friendship bracelet pattern, the 3D diamond friendship bracelet pattern, and the newer buffalo plaid friendship bracelet pattern!
All of those teach you how to use color in friendship bracelet making to your advantage!

How to make a Flower Friendship Bracelet
Make these simple flower friendship bracelets using basic friendship bracelet makings kills!
- 4 X 24 inch stands of thread for your background color
- 2 X 12 inch stands of thread for your middle color
- 4 X 24 inch stands of thread for your petal color
- Thread snipper or scissors
- Optional- Clipboard, painters tape, or a safety pin to secure it as you work
Background Square Knots:
1. Start by tying together all your threads. Pull out one of your background colors to each side. Take the left one, place it behind the center threads, forming a loop on the left. Then place it over the right thread.
2. Now take the right thread from behind the left one, and place it over your center threads. Loop it through the left thread loop so that it sits behind the left thread.
3. Pull tight. This is half of your square knot. To complete it, you'll need to repeat this process in the reverse.
4. Take the (new) right thread and place it behind the center threads, forming a loop on the right, and over the left thread. Take the (new) left thread and place it over the center threads and through the loop you formed on the right. Pull that knot tight.
It is important to reverse directions each time. Otherwise, your knot will twist.
How to make the flowers:
1. Pull both of your petal colors to each side of your bracelet - that is, two on each side. Create a square knot.
2. Work on the right side of your flower friendship bracelets. Knot the petal color around the background color. If you put two sets of background color threads,(four total) you'll knot around both of them - two on the right and two on the left.
3. You're making a backward forward knot with the petal color around the background color. Repeate to make two backward forward knots.
4. Now work on the left of your bracelet and repeat in the opposite direction, making two forward/backward knots.
5. With the two center color threads sticking out in the middle, make a simple overhand knot, making sure to move it all the way up to sit between your two petal colors. Repeat to make a double knot.
6. Finish off your flower by making another square knot with the white threads around all the others.
7. Complete your bracelet by alternating background square knots with flowers, until you're happy with the length.