I hope you enjoy this free printable! Make sure you follow the terms and fair use. You will be subscribed to blog updates, however you will love the emails you receive! They are full of fun crafts and free printables like this one.


At the bottom is a preview of what you will receive in the download. It is split into two PDF files so that you have the most control over your prints. You can choose to print one page, both pages, and you can play around with the sizing. You can then use it an unlimited amount of times (as long as it complies with the terms). 


Download the files by entering your email in the form below. You can unsubscribe at any time. You will then receive the download via an automatic download link to your email. I know you (and your child) will love it!


There are two downloads. One is the “Kraft paper” I printed because I didn’t have any of the real stuff handy. The other is a black and white napkin ring file that you can print on top of the printed kraft paper, or on the paper of your choice.


Napkin ring files:

Print these adorable Thanksgiving napkin rings for your holiday table! Black and white, and cheap to print! The design is even hand-drawn - how cool!


[wp_eStore_free_download_squeeze_form id=18]


Kraft paper file: 

Print these adorable Thanksgiving napkin rings for your holiday table! Black and white, and cheap to print! The design is even hand-drawn - how cool!


[wp_eStore_free_download_squeeze_form id=19]