6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.

6 Things A New Mom Should Do for Herself


There are certain things a new mom should do for HERSELF about a month postpartum. EVERY new moms should do it.


Your baby has just been born, and you are becoming about as selfless as you can get. You may even be neglecting yourself. In the days postpartum, or even the weeks, you may have had some help. But even for those who do have family pitching in, that help doesn’t last forever. And just like I did, about a month after your treasure is born, you’re probably bearing the brunt of the new beautiful life you just created. Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.


6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.


In the first month, a lot of the focus tends to be on mom and on her recovery. I personally had meals prepared for my family for the first couple of weeks.

But then just like that life hits, and we’re back full force, before we’re really recovered. We’re sleep deprived and overworked. And we rarely take a moment to think about our own needs.


So while you may expect me to advise you to “take a shower” and “eat a solid meal”, this list is more about the extras that can keep us going beyond basic self-care. Treating yourself right can help set the mood. Get into the habit of taking care of yourself.



Six Things a New Mom Should do for HERSELF:



1. Dress up – in non-maternity clothes!

6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.


I wore maternity for months after my baby was born because a simple issue: nothing fit anymore. Until I finally got up, got some new outfits, and allowed myself to buy clothing for ME, not just the baby, I felt like… a blob.


Maternity clothing is designed to flatter the belly. When you’re not pregnant anymore, you kinda want to HIDE that belly. The main thing that deterred me from buying new clothing: I wanted to LOSE that weight.

The thing is, it can take a long time to lose it. Now, my baby is seven months old, and I’ve lost about half with LOTS of hard work.

One thing I’d highly recommend: rent a wardrobe! Even if you just do it ONCE to feel dressed up. Feel like yourself again. It can really help you adjust to motherhood and find yourself there.


6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.


There are a few reasons I recommend renting clothing or using a “clothing concierge” type of service:

  • “Try before you buy” – without leaving the house. Your body type changes, and you no longer know what flatters you. Clothing rentals such as Gwynnie Bee allow you to get brave trying new styles. You can also buy the contents if they really flatter you, or you can just return.
  • Get a free trial – Gwynnie Bee actually lets you try them out for FREE – up to three outfits out! I did this myself and it was so much fun. I learned which styles flatter and which don’t.
  • Your body may still be changing – if you’re hoping to lose the weight, you may be better off renting. I waited seven months, wore maternity clothing, and felt frumpy and undressed.





Even if you just do it one day, to bring your spirits up, it’s worth it!


6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.


Get your free month of Gwynnie Bee! If you fit sizes 10+ give it a try. Cancellation is easy, and you won’t be billed if you cancel within 30 days and return your outfits. That gives you a chance to see if it’s a service you’d like to keep. They even include easy shipping envelopes with postage.




2. Call friends to chat:

I simply lost touch with my friends after my babies were born, and I really regret it.

One month is not a very long time, so if you haven’t yet, that’s the perfect time to catch up and set the tone for keeping in touch.

6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.


3. Go for a manicure

I remember overhearing my aunts chatting about their nails when I was younger. I’ll never forget how one of them said “I haven’t had a manicure since my baby was born”. Her baby was a few years old.

While I don’t enjoy and don’t get manicures, I also neglected my nails, which was the one thing I always cared the most about. That’s what I see all day. It’s important for me that they should be well-groomed. Even if I’m in pajamas, when my nails look nice, I feel nice.


6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.


If you can and that’s what you’re used to, go for a manicure. A one-month-old is still young enough to sleep through it. If you can’t go (or don’t like to) invest in a gel manicure kit. If you don’t want to do any of the above, you can just make sure you go ahead and treat your nails right!


4. Go on a date

6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.


You’re busy building a new relationship, but don’t forget your past ones! This is the perfect time to catch up and go out with your spouse.

When M was two months old, we went out to a concert together just for fun. This time around, with the move and everything, it kind of fell by the wayside until our anniversary. Don’t skip your dates!!


5. Get a full house clean

During that first month of recovery, your house probably took a hit.

Now, it’s time to clean up. But you’re still in semi-recovery mode. Hire help. Get someone, even if it’s only one time, to give your house a good, thorough cleaning, to get you going on the right foot.

Try Amazon Home Services to find something in your area.
6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.


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6. Carve out half an hour of “hobby time”.

Moms, you need that me-time. You need it for your sanity.

Whether your hobby is catching up on the latest flick, crafting a new necklace for yourself, or yoga, GET IT BACK! Practice time-management skills. Communicate your needs to your spouse during above-mentioned date, so that he can help make sure you have that time.

6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.


Mama, what you do is HARD. Even if it’s for those few minutes, treat yourself right. Help yourself feel good, feel human.


Got any things a new mom should do for herself to add to the list? Comment below!

Sign up for your free 30 days of Gwynnie Bee here! Get dressed up and feel good like I did.



6 things a new mom should do for HERSELF around one month after giving birth. These six little "splurges" will set the tone for mom to take care of herself too! During pregnancy and postpartum moms tend to be very selfless and care only for baby so sometimes she needs a reminder and tips to do something for herself for a change.



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