Got a toddler who resists brushing her teeth? Read these mom to mom tooth brushing tips for toddlers - positive parenting has never been more effective!

8 Tooth Brushing Tips for Toddlers

Tracking Pixel Thank you Orajelโ„ข Kids for sponsoring these mom-to-mom tooth brushing tips for toddlers! I hope this makes your routine a wee bit easier!


Got a toddler who resists brushing her teeth? Read these mom to mom tooth brushing tips for toddlers - positive parenting has never been more effective!


For the longest time, M has had a lopsided smile. His two bottom teeth grew in, and after months and months, another one joined them. Yup, he had three lonely teeth on the bottom, waiting for the fourth to join the party. And now it’s finally growing it.


This marks an important stage for us. He is almost done teething. Now, it’s time to perfect our tooth brushing routine. 


M LOVES brushing his teeth – and why shouldn’t he? He gets to play with water, the tooth paste tastes delicious, and it pushes off bedtime!


I think that a large part of our success with the tooth-brushing struggle is that it’s not a pressured moment. It’s a fun moment. He looks forward to it, and would do it all day if I allowed it! Toddlers can sense parents’ emotions and stress, and if you’re worried each second that he’s not doing a good enough job, or is swallowing toothpaste, it creates a moment that your tot might not enjoy.


Orajelโ„ข Kids is the #1 teething brand recommended by dentists and pediatricians, with the right products for every stage of your toddler’s oral development. 

Got a toddler who resists brushing her teeth? Read these mom to mom tooth brushing tips for toddlers - positive parenting has never been more effective!

Here are eight toddler tooth brushing tips – based on our schedule and routine. Implementing these may just end those struggles!


  • Give your child independence – let her brush her own teeth. If you give it time, she’ll probably get to all of them, and do it thoroughly. 
  • Use training toothpaste – If you’re concerned about your toddler swallowing toothpaste, use training toothpaste that’s safe to be swallowed. It, again, takes some pressure out of the routine. We love using Orajel Kids training toothpaste for M. 

Got a toddler who resists brushing her teeth? Read these mom to mom tooth brushing tips for toddlers - positive parenting has never been more effective!

  • Allow your child to play with water – Tots love the sensory stimulation of playing with water. I allow M to play with the water (in moderation) while brushing his teeth.
  • Play a favorite song – Just like any other dreaded task, tooth brushing can be made more fun when done to a favorite tune. If you’re at a stage where your child doesn’t brush long enough, a track can also serve as a timer. 
  • Relieve teething pain first – When M is teething, he doesn’t eat, and doesn’t like anything coming in contact with his teeth. Tooth care begins way before your child finishes teething, so you might want to relieve any existing teething pain. Apply a little Orajel Kids teething gel to the areas of pain first. 
  • Use equipment your tot will love – Obviously, if your child likes the toothpaste, she is more likely to enjoy brushing. Also, incorporate the favorite characters (M’s is Elmo, hands-down) that Orajel Kids has to offer. 

Got a toddler who resists brushing her teeth? Read these mom to mom tooth brushing tips for toddlers - positive parenting has never been more effective!

  • Stick to your routine – Children thrive on routine, and being consistent sets a reliable, comfortable pace for your child’s evening. That’s just one reason you should do #5 instead of skipping it on those painful days. 
  • Catch the right mood – If your tot is very cranky, and not really compliant toward evening, you might want to brush before “crazy mood” sets in. The same goes for the morning. Brush after breakfast – not only will the mood be better, but it’s best to brush after meals anyway.


Got a toddler who resists brushing her teeth? Read these mom to mom tooth brushing tips for toddlers - positive parenting has never been more effective!


As your child grows, those adorable teeth are featured in many a memory. Your child smiles at the camera the first time he stands, cries when Grandma from abroad tries to hold her for the very first time, and laughs when he sees his favorite character at that second birthday party.


Orajel Kids understands that every parent needs to capture those moments perfectly. Therefore, they are offering a $1000 gift card, along with an Orajel Kids product prize pack to keep those smiles perfect and those mouths healthy. Beginning 10/19, vote for your favorite photo, upload your own, and enter to win one of three prizes (two runners up will also receive a $500 gift card and Orajel Kids prize pack). 

Enter to win the Orajel Kids Smilestones Sweepstakes here!


Got a toddler who resists brushing her teeth? Read these mom to mom tooth brushing tips for toddlers - positive parenting has never been more effective!


What are your top tooth brushing tips for toddlers? Comment below!


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Orajelโ„ข Kids.

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