Upcycle old CDs and DVDs as doodle discs! Such a fun, easy craft for kids and adults of all ages!

Upcycle Old CDs with DIY Doodle Discs!

Are you looking for a fun and pretty way to upcycle old CDs? Make these cool DIY doodle discs! The possibilities are endless!


Upcycle old CDs and DVDs as doodle discs! Such a fun, easy craft for kids and adults of all ages!


Whether you are trying to de-clutter, or simply have all your music backed up, you probably have a lot of extra CDs and DVDs lying around. There are so many beautiful things to make with them, and I hope to bring you a list of those within the week, but meanwhile, here is an idea of my own.


Remember old scratch art? The surface of the CD is so beautiful, especially in contrast to black. It makes a beautiful bottom layer for a scratch art type of project that’s fun for all ages.


Upcycle old CDs and DVDs as doodle discs! Such a fun, easy craft for kids and adults of all ages!


I did it together with my toddler. We both had so much fun making our designs! He didn’t manage to scratch through the black, but he had fun “scribbling” and I helped him get through the layers in some spots.


Upcycle old CDs and DVDs as doodle discs! Such a fun, easy craft for kids and adults of all ages!


I made swirls – my go-to doodle. I used a click pen, but with the point retracted, but you can use anything dull (such as a coin, the back of a pair of scissors…)


UPDATE: I recorded a video tutorial for you to enjoy! Or scroll down for step-by-step instructions:






I hung it from a ribbon, and hope to include it in our Sukkah decor this September. You can save it for the winter to use as an ornament, or just hang it from the wall. You can even make a mobile out of the doodle discs!


Upcycle old CDs and DVDs as doodle discs! Such a fun, easy craft for kids and adults of all ages!


Supplies needed to upcycle old CDs and DVDs:

(Affiliate links are included for your convenience).


How to upcycle old CDs and DVDs:


  • Paint the reflective side with an even coat of black paint. Do a second coat if you need to.

Upcycle old CDs and DVDs as doodle discs! Such a fun, easy craft for kids and adults of all ages!


  • Scratch out your design using a blunt point.

Upcycle old CDs and DVDs as doodle discs! Such a fun, easy craft for kids and adults of all ages!


  • Hang using a length of ribbon! That’s all. Wasn’t that easy?

Upcycle old CDs and DVDs as doodle discs! Such a fun, easy craft for kids and adults of all ages!

Upcycle old CDs and DVDs as doodle discs! Such a fun, easy craft for kids and adults of all ages!



How do your upcycle old CDs or DVDs? Share your ideas in the comments below!






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